2173 results found
Health topics
… lightly scrape the surface of the patch to check a few skin cells. How is pityriasis alba treated? Pityriasis alba most … lightly scrape the surface of the patch to check a few skin cells. How is pityriasis alba treated? Pityriasis alba most …
Health topics
… Anemia Decreased oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells Weakness and fatigue May raise risk of problems linked … constantly ooze out of cuts in your skin. Can predispose to cellulitis, infection of the skin Heart … Anemia Decreased oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells Weakness and fatigue May raise risk of problems linked …
Health topics
… a blood vessel, so it is less invasive than surgery. The procedure has fewer risks for some people. Recovery is … lasted at least 5 years.* (Some of these people had another procedure that could have added to their angina relief.) … a blood vessel, so it is less invasive than surgery. The procedure has fewer risks for some people. Recovery is …
Health topics
… can make it hard to walk, go up and down stairs, squat, or sleep on the side that hurts. A clicking or snapping feeling … a fall on the hip, a direct blow to the hip or knee, or abnormal twisting or bending of the leg. Examples of acute … serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may turn blue or …
Health topics
… Bipolar disorder is an illness that causes extreme mood changes, from times of very high energy (manic episodes) to … can do a few things on your own, such as getting enough sleep. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise health … slowly. During a manic episode, you may go from feeling abnormally happy and productive to behaving irresponsibly …
Health topics
… Wash fruits and vegetables, but don't wash raw meat. Follow procedures for safe home canning to avoid contamination. … by the local health unit for cleanliness and proper kitchen procedures. Learn more Food Safety: Preparing Handwashing … Wash fruits and vegetables, but don't wash raw meat. Follow procedures for safe home canning to avoid contamination. …
Health topics
… either numb your mouth or give you medicine that lets you sleep during the procedure. An oral surgeon or your dentist will open the … have dental insurance and don't have enough money for the procedure. I know that there is a chance that my wisdom …
Health topics
… A biopsy is a test that checks for inflammation or cancer cells. Manometry. During this test, a small tube is placed … A biopsy is a test that checks for inflammation or cancer cells. Manometry. During this test, a small tube is placed …
Health topics
… body to handle. But babies have billions of immune system cells that are hard at work all the time, fighting the many … body to handle. But babies have billions of immune system cells that are hard at work all the time, fighting the many …
Health topics
… Health Passport Getting your Pregnancy Passport Safer Sleep for My Baby Translated articles on … | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Medical Procedures to Help Labour and Birth English | Arabic | … | Farsi | French | Punjabi | Spanish | Tagalog Sleep English | Arabic | Chinese | Farsi | French …