3698 results found
Health topics
… yearning for a loved one, an object, or a way of life you have lost are the most common and expected feelings that … your feelings of sadness and yearning, you might try the following tips. Look at photos, watch videos, or exchange … by what other people say and do, try some of the following tips. Pause for a moment before responding. …
Health topics
… episodes, binge eating, purging, and the events that may have triggered these episodes. To eat more regularly, with … about your symptoms. This reduces the power the symptoms have over you. How to change self-defeating thought patterns … episodes, binge eating, purging, and the events that may have triggered these episodes. To eat more regularly, with …
Health topics
… Information Overview Children with Down syndrome usually have delayed speech and language development. Typically, these children have a much harder time learning to talk (expressive … content . … Overview Children with Down syndrome usually have delayed speech and language development. Typically, …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview People who have chronic health problems, such as myalgic … location of a support group near you. Think about the following questions to help you evaluate a group: Does the … location of a support group near you. Think about the following questions to help you evaluate a group: Does the …
Health topics
… What is nail psoriasis? Many people who have psoriasis have nail changes. This can involve: Pitting … Defects in the nail, such as ridges or crumbling nails. Yellowish colour to the toenails (and sometimes fingernails). … or toenails. Spots under the fingernails, such as yellow-red patches. Separation of the nail from the nail bed. …
Health topics
… milk production. You are more likely to produce milk if you have ever carried a baby to term and breastfed before. This … within several weeks, although it could take longer if you have never breastfed before. Even if you are successful at … milk production. You are more likely to produce milk if you have ever carried a baby to term and breastfed before. This …
Health topics
… hunger, rather than setting a strict schedule. Newborns follow their feelings of hunger. They eat when they are hungry … they are full. In the first few days after birth, you may have to wake a sleepy baby to feed. During the first 2 … hunger, rather than setting a strict schedule. Newborns follow their feelings of hunger. They eat when they are hungry …
Health topics
… their emotions better. Some children find it helpful to have a space where they can go when they need to calm down. … and some images of facial expressions that go with them. Allow your child to experience stress. New experiences can be … Encourage them to talk about what is upsetting them. Allowing your child to talk about emotions can help them …
Health topics
… of pregnancy is a liver problem that happens when the flow of bile slows down or is blocked. Bile then builds up in the liver … examination and ask you about your medical history. You may have blood tests or other tests. How is cholestasis of …
Health topics
… the fluid clears up within a few months without treatment. Have your child's hearing tested if the fluid persists past … the fluid clears up within a few months without treatment. Have your child's hearing tested if the fluid persists past …