3699 results found
Health topics
… to make the "not so great" things more enjoyable next time. Have realistic expectations. No holiday gathering is … to make the "not so great" things more enjoyable next time. Have realistic expectations. No holiday gathering is …
Health topics
… Overview Hormone therapy treats prostate cancer by lowering the level of certain hormones in the body. These … is testosterone. Reducing the level of testosterone can slow the growth of prostate cancer and even shrink the … prostate cancer depend in part on the type of therapy you have. Your doctor can tell you what to expect. In general, …
Health topics
… this tingling goes away in a few minutes. If you do not have damage to the skin or other symptoms, there is no … strikes may not be severe. Lightning current usually flows over the body (flashover) and does not injure deeper … strikes may not be severe. Lightning current usually flows over the body (flashover) and does not injure deeper …
Health topics
… to treat the burn. When you call the Poison Control Centre, have the chemical container with you, so you can read the … sensation after 20 minutes, flush the area again with flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes. Hydrofluoric acid is … sensation after 20 minutes, flush the area again with flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes. Hydrofluoric acid is …
Health topics
… can make you feel that the room is spinning or that you have lost your balance (vertigo). What are the symptoms? The … you vomit or make you feel sick to your stomach. Vertigo slowly goes away over a few days to weeks. But for a month or … you vomit or make you feel sick to your stomach. Vertigo slowly goes away over a few days to weeks. But for a month or …
Health topics
… tears are pushed across your eye, keeping it moist. They flow into tiny openings, called tear ducts , in the inner … is it diagnosed? An eye doctor can usually tell that you have dry eye syndrome during a regular examination and … Try a humidifier in rooms where you spend a lot of time. Follow the directions for cleaning the machine. Wearing …
Health topics
… warm water over your perineum or pee in the shower. You may have some leakage of urine for up to three months and …
Health topics
… Infections HIV: Preventing Other Infections When You Have HIV HIV: Tips for Caregivers to Avoid Infection …
Health topics
… emotional eating are: Changing your eating habits when you have more stress in your life. Eating when you aren't hungry … emotional eating are: Changing your eating habits when you have more stress in your life. Eating when you aren't hungry …
Health topics
… for help—quickly. Learn to dial 9-1-1 fast. Some phones have a built-in way to do this. Others can be programmed. If … safe places they can go, both outside and inside the home. Have them memorize emergency contacts. Make plans for pets. … for help—quickly. Learn to dial 9-1-1 fast. Some phones have a built-in way to do this. Others can be programmed. If …