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3699 results found
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview The following suggestions may help you develop a plan to help a … will need to care for your family member. Your doctor may have other suggestions to add to your plan. Establish a … to reassure the person and show that you are listening. Allow the person as many choices in daily activities as you …
Health topics
… as diluted household bleach. To dilute household bleach, follow the directions on the label. Cleaning rags can be washed … all medical equipment, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. For example, for some … hands often and wear a mask if you are around people who have colds or influenza (flu). Make sure to wash bedding …
Health topics
… Skin Cancer On this page: Health Tools Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … It's often caused by too much sun. This cancer grows slowly. When found and treated early, most of these cancers … of the body, such as the lungs, liver, or brain. After you have one skin cancer, you are more likely to have another …
Health topics
… for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your baby might have hearing loss. Does your baby: Respond to changes in … for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your baby might have hearing loss. Does your baby: Respond to changes in …
Health topics
… Walk with or rock your baby. Use a baby swing (if you have one). Go for a walk in a stroller. Go for a car ride. …
Health topics
… can help. Mental health laws. For example, parents usually have the right to look at their child's medical records. … phone. Taking Care of Yourself When You Have a Child With Physical, Emotional, or Behavioural … can help. Mental health laws. For example, parents usually have the right to look at their child's medical records. …
Health topics
… conditions that are similar to Parkinson's disease but have unique features. These syndromes can be hard to … the body movement problems. Problems with speech and swallowing are more common and become worse in PSP than in … disease. Parkinson-like symptoms of MSA include slow movement, stiff muscles, and loss of balance and …
Health topics
… my job, but it can be stressful. I hold my stress in my shoulders and neck. My shoulders are always up around my … with a counsellor to learn relaxation techniques. He could have taken prescription medicine to prevent his headaches. … one area at a time. Guided imagery taught Jerry how to slow his breathing and imagine himself in a peaceful place. …
Health topics
… anxiety. Fast heart rate. Sweating that may be heavy or may have stopped. Skin that may be red, hot, and dry, even in … anxiety. Fast heart rate. Sweating that may be heavy or may have stopped. Skin that may be red, hot, and dry, even in …