3135 results found
Health topics
… because of damage to the macula, a small area at the back of the eye . The macula helps you see the fine detail … Symptoms can depend on the type of AMD. Dry AMD happens slowly. Wet AMD happens suddenly and is more severe. How is … AMD. footnote 2 People who have an increased risk for AMD should use the Amsler grid. Your doctor can give you one to …
Health topics
… . Unplug the appliance or turn off the main power switch . Try to remove the person from the electrical source, if you … information, see the topic Dealing With Emergencies . What should I do about electrical burns that aren't as serious? … information, see the topic Dealing With Emergencies . What should I do about electrical burns that aren't as serious? …
Health topics
… child has other symptoms, such as crying or complaining of pain when urinating, sudden strong urges to urinate, or … first. What Increases Your Risk Children who develop at a slower rate than other children during the first 3 years of … often than usual. Crying or complaining when urinating. Back pain. Belly pain. Fever. Your child age 4 or older is …
Health topics
… through the two tunnels that were drilled in the upper and lower leg bones and then secured with screws or staples. … Your doctor will work with you to help you safely get back to being active again. Why It Is Done The goal of ACL … Well It Works Most people who have ACL surgery have reduced pain, good knee stability, and a return to normal …
Health topics
… hungry. Find a comfortable location and position. The room should be warm. Lay the baby on his or her back on a towel on a bed, the floor, or your lap. Try using a warm (not hot) natural oil such as vegetable or …
Health topics
… treatment. The Public Health Agency of Canada says you should consider getting tested for HIV if you or your … or other drug use equipment when using drugs, including steroids. Had tattooing, piercing, or acupuncture with … treatment. The Public Health Agency of Canada says you should consider getting tested for HIV if you or your …
Health topics
… anemia. What causes it? Iron deficiency anemia is caused by low levels of iron in the body. Many things can cause low … treated? To treat iron deficiency anemia, your doctor will try to find the cause of the anemia and treat that problem. … and toenails. Cracked lips. Smooth, sore tongue. Muscle pain during exercise. Trouble swallowing. Babies and small …
Health topics
… months. They may feel out of control and eat until they are painfully full. Some people who binge have a normal weight. … of an eating disorder. Struggling with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or obsessive behaviours. Feeling a need to … for their actions, both successes and setbacks. Offer support during times of discouragement. Do not …
Health topics
… or urinary tract. Urinary catheters are also used when the lower part of the body is paralyzed. When helping a loved … you empty the bag, close the valve and put the drain spout back into its sleeve. Remove your gloves, and throw them … have symptoms of a urinary infection. These may include: Pain or burning when you urinate. A frequent need to urinate …
Health topics
… already relaxed. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe … nose, and let your belly push your hand out. Your chest should not move. Breathe out through pursed lips as if you … But while you are learning, it is best to lie on your back with your knees bent. Put your left hand on your belly …