3135 results found
Health topics
… Your vision gradually gets worse. But it gets worse so slowly that you may not notice it. Closed-angle glaucoma … glaucoma usually happen suddenly and can include severe pain and redness in the eye. In childhood glaucoma , … if you: Are from East Asia or have East Asian or Inuit ancestry. footnote 1 Are an older adult. Are female. Are …
Health topics
… Flat head syndrome means that a baby's head is flat in the back or on one side. Most often, it's from lying on the back … doctors began advising that babies sleep on their back to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) . Lots … things you can do to help your baby's head become rounder. Try to get your baby to turn the round side of the head …
Health topics
… to have a COPD flare-up. If you have a COPD action plan, follow the plan. In general: Use your quick-relief inhaler as … If your doctor has given you other inhaled medicines or steroid pills, take them as directed. If your doctor has … to have a COPD flare-up. If you have a COPD action plan, follow the plan. In general: Use your quick-relief inhaler as …
Health topics
… During a depressive episode, your child may have a sad, low, or cranky mood. Your child may have low energy. How is … there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain. Your child feels that they can't stop from hurting … better. But without medicine, the symptoms usually come back. Counselling. Counselling works best when symptoms of …
Health topics
… measures may prevent further heat loss and help the body slowly warm up. Remain calm. Fear or too much activity causes … head. If dry clothing is not immediately available, you can try to get warm by making skin-to-skin contact. After … Activity makes body heat and improves blood flow. Sweating should be avoided because it cools the body. Drink warm …
Health topics
… immunodeficiency syndrome). People with AIDS have a low number of CD4+ cells and get infections or cancers that … Fever. Sore throat. Headache. Muscle aches and joint pain. Swollen glands (swollen lymph nodes ). Skin rash. … of thoughts and suggestions that help you relax. Biofeedback , which teaches you to relax through learning to …
Health topics
… or a heart attack. Unstable angina happens when blood flow to the heart is suddenly slowed by narrowed coronary … Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. … or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly or in one or both shoulders …
Health topics
… Redness and breakouts can be treated with: Pills, such as low-dose antibiotics like doxycycline. Skin creams that … you can do to help control the disease. Protect your face. Try to stay out of the sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you … the sun, use sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat that covers the back of the neck, and clothing to protect your skin. Use a …
Health topics
… darker facial hair and more hair on your chest, belly, and back. Thinning hair on the scalp. Irregular periods. Often … more irregular. Regular menstrual cycles but you have been trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant for more than 12 … getting pregnant. It's important to see your doctor for follow-up to make sure that treatment is working. Self-Care …
Health topics
… the infection causes occasional outbreaks of itchy and painful sores in the genital area. What causes it? Genital … vagina. The blisters break open and turn into oozing, shallow sores. Some people have flu-like symptoms, such as a … towel. Wear cotton underwear. Cotton absorbs moisture well. Try pouring warm water over the area while urinating. This …