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Health topics
… pressure. Empty your bladder before the test. Sit with your back straight, such as on a dining chair, with both feet on … the blood pressure cuff around your bare upper arm. The lower edge of the cuff should be about 2.5 centimetres (1 … lower at night. Stress, smoking, eating, exercise, cold, pain, noise, medicines, and even talking can affect it. …
Health topics
… changing your head position, the doctor will guide you back quickly so that your shoulders are on the table but your head is hanging over the … the side that causes the worst vertigo. The doctor then lowers you quickly to the side that causes the worst …
Health topics
… are in danger of losing your job? The odds are probably low. There are several kinds of irrational thoughts. Here … afterward? Did anyone tell you that you did a good job? Should: People sometimes have set ideas about how they … are in danger of losing your job? The odds are probably low. There are several kinds of irrational thoughts. Here …
Health topics
… lens (IOL) may be placed inside the lens capsule. The back of the lens capsule (posterior capsule) keeps the IOL … at night for about a week. There is normally no significant pain after surgery. You most likely will need to see the … from the fear of going blind. Risks Although the risk is low, surgery for cataracts does involve the risk of partial …
Health topics
… blood but aren't Rh-sensitized, you may need one or more shots of Rh immune globulin (such as WinRho). This prevents … Rh sensitization in nearly all women who use it. The shots only work for a short time, so you'll need shots each time you get pregnant. Injections of Rh-immune …
Health topics
… may not be found unless symptoms occur, such as in painful diverticular disease or in diverticulitis . Most … that is bulky and can move easily through the colon. A low-fibre diet can cause small, hard stools. This means it … fibre. Drink plenty of fluids. Get some exercise every day. Try to do moderate to vigorous activity at least 2½ hours a …
Health topics
… Information Overview Until the foreskin can be pulled back, wash only the outside of the penis. Don't try to force the foreskin back. When the foreskin can be pulled back, the area needs …
Health topics
… to go out and what will happen afterwards. It's given me back at least a little feeling of control."— Avery, 81 "My … up on life. Some think that hospice palliative care means a lower level of medical care. But hospice palliative care is … usually include: Basic medical care with a focus on pain and symptom control. Medical supplies and equipment as …
Health topics
… the gallbladder on its way to the small intestine. If the flow of bile is blocked, it builds up inside the gallbladder, causing swelling, pain, and possible infection. What causes it? A gallstone … upper right abdomen that can sometimes move around to your back or right shoulder blade. Other symptoms include: Nausea …
Health topics
… the esophagus . Then it's sewn into place so that the lower portion of the esophagus passes through a small tunnel … ( lower esophageal sphincter ). The valve stops acid from backing up into the esophagus as easily. This allows the … be in the hospital for only 2 to 3 days. You will have less pain after surgery. That's because there is no large …