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3135 results found
Health topics
… therapy called exposure and response prevention (ERP). ERP slowly increases your contact with the thing that causes … to many health problems. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Should I Take Medicine for OCD? Actionsets are designed to … done. But the relief is only temporary. The thoughts come back, and you repeat the rituals. The rituals or behaviours …
Health topics
… foods, such as cut-up, bagged, fresh vegetables or lower-calorie or lower-sodium frozen foods. Shop healthy. At the store, use … What to buy When you are selecting items from your list, try to choose foods lower in fat, calories, and/or sodium if …
Health topics
… of your hip. Or they may be on the side or toward the back (posterior). Your doctor will talk with you about which … other. This damages the tissue and bone, which then causes pain. The joint space in this hip joint is narrowed due to … through the side or back or your hip, you'll need to follow "hip precautions" until your hip is fully healed. Most …
Health topics
… I've have had them and what helps relieve them. If I have pain, describe where it is, how it feels, and how severe it … Health problem or hospital Details Allergies Fill in the following information if you have allergies to medicines or … a test or starting treatment? What signs and symptoms should I watch for? When should I call to report signs and …
Health topics
… of a reaction include: A fever. Hives. Shortness of breath. Pain. A fast heart rate. Chills. Low blood pressure. A mild reaction can be scary, but it … might otherwise need to receive. Receiving your own blood back is safer, because there is no chance of a reaction. …
Health topics
… and carrying out routine tasks. They may have trouble following a recipe or writing a letter or email. What Happens … new or increasing memory loss or problems with daily living should be reported to a doctor. Learn the warning signs of … including poor sleep, medicine side effects, confusion, and pain. Your doctor may be able to help you. Plan for the …
Health topics
… You'll get better each time you refocus your plan. To get back on track, try: Focusing on your reason. What's your most important … You'll get better each time you refocus your plan. To get back on track, try: Focusing on your reason. What's your …
Health topics
… keep breastfeeding a while longer. If you can't, then try these tips: Offer breast milk pumped from your breast, … Do this before you breastfeed or between breastfeedings. Slowly increase the amount in the cup or bottle. If possible, … giving your baby extra hugs and attention instead of going back to the old way of feeding. Weaning …
Health topics
… and/or peripheral arterial disease that results in either painful, poor limb function or gangrene . In general, … dying around the time of the operation as well as in the following years is higher than for other people of the same … of other extremities requires amputation. Infected gangrene should be treated with the goal of getting rid of the …
Health topics
… Surgical tools are inserted alongside the endoscope. This allows the doctor to remove small amounts of bone or other … Taking antibiotics. Using a nasal spray containing a steroid to reduce inflammation. Using saltwater washes … sinusitis that require surgery. Learn more Sinusitis: Should I Have Surgery? How Well It Works Endoscopic surgery …