3135 results found
Health topics
… the surgery while reducing the chances of the cancer coming back. The size and location of tumours differs from one … room. A nurse will be able to help with any nausea, pain, or anxiety you might have. Most people go home the day … Citations Fisher B, et al. (2002). Twenty-year follow-up of a randomized trial comparing total mastectomy, …
Health topics
… 3 to 6 months to recover completely. Cigarette smoking slows tendon and wound healing. Recovery depends on the … may consider surgery if: You still have elbow soreness and pain after more than 6 to 12 months of non-surgical … the arm. Elbow pain that won't go away or that comes back. Infection, blood loss, nerve damage (risks in all …
Health topics
… you father a child. The surgery may also be done to reduce pain in the scrotum. The doctor may look through a … hours after the surgery. You will probably be able to go back to work or your normal routine in 2 to 3 days. This … medicine is prescribed for a few days after surgery. You should be able to resume light work duties 1 to 2 days after …
Health topics
… the skin between the nostrils. Then the doctor will pull back the skin. Parts of the bones and cartilage under the … Cold compresses can help minimize the swelling and reduce pain. Your doctor may also recommend pain medicine. It takes … chronic congestion and breathing problems. Cosmetic surgery should only be done on a fully developed nose. This has …
Health topics
… during your surgery. After a heart transplant, you must follow a strict lifestyle involving daily medicines and regular … you will receive other drugs (such as immunosuppressants or steroids) to suppress your immune system so that it does not … Citations Lund H, et al. (2017). The Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung …
Health topics
… bites may cause mild symptoms, such as slight bleeding, pain, and swelling at the bite. Moderate envenomations are … bleeding, and signs of shock. For best results, antivenom should be given as soon as possible after the bite. It is … such as: Blood-clotting problems. Injury to muscles. Low blood pressure leading to shock . Kidney damage. Nervous …
Health topics
… do not get enough oxygen, they cannot work as well as they should. Anemia is common in people who have chronic kidney … do not get enough oxygen, they cannot work as well as they should. Anemia is common in people who have chronic kidney …
Health topics
… a conflict with a co-worker and think, "That's going to get back to my boss, and I sure won't get promoted now." It's … than we would be on others. If that's true for you, try shifting your self-talk to be more forgiving. For … beating yourself up about a mistake you made, take a step back. Try kind and encouraging self-talk instead. You can …
Health topics
… for pregnant women. But be sure to consult a doctor before trying any of these methods, especially when being treated … toward the cervix include: Propping up your hips by lying back on a firm surface with your feet on the floor and your … Raise your hips up by about 30 cm (12 in.) using large pillows (such as couch cushions) placed under your lower back …
Health topics
… It's an ancient healing method that manipulates energy flow in the body. Reiki practitioners believe there is an … energy centres, called chakras, in your body. The energy should flow freely through your chakras in order for you to … energy paths are blocked, you may feel ill or weak or have pain. A reiki treatment session usually lasts an hour. The …