3135 results found
Health topics
… to child. Some children are advanced. Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and language problems develop in some … in children. All children with speech and language delays should have their hearing tested. Certain disorders, such as … or "ooh-ooh-ooh." Babies may also make cooing sounds back to someone who is talking to them. Ages 5 to 6 months …
Health topics
… fissure? An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the lower rectum (anal canal) that causes pain during bowel movements. Anal fissures don't lead to … when: You pass a large stool. You are constipated and try to pass a hard stool. You have repeated diarrhea. You …
Health topics
… give up. There are lots of things you can do to adapt to low vision and make your life easier and safer. You can … colour (low contrast). Place light objects against a dark background or dark objects against a light background. For … glow softly. They are easier to identify. You can also use paint in a contrasting colour to mark electrical outlets, …
Health topics
… the symptoms of jet lag. Here are some things you might try. Try melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your body … can make it hard to get in a good, healthy routine. The following tips may help you make some changes. Your doctor may … for when to use the light. Try moving your bedtime slowly over time. Gradually move your bedtime earlier and …
Health topics
… Learning to be easier on yourself is essential. Try some of the following ideas to feel better about yourself. Pace yourself if … to be easier on yourself is essential. Try some of the following ideas to feel better about yourself. Pace yourself if …
Health topics
… tubes are removed through an incision ( laparotomy ) in the lower abdomen. An abdominal incision provides a large … your doctor will examine you in his or her office. You should be able to return to all of your normal activities, … After a hysterectomy, call your doctor if you have: Chest pain, a cough, or trouble breathing. Bright red vaginal …
Health topics
… "Development of cancer depends on many factors. A diet low in total fat may reduce the risk of some cancers." But … are legally defined for food companies. Phrases such as "low-fat," "light," and "-free" (as in "fat-free") are … (per serving) Calorie-free Food has less than 5 calories. Low-calorie Food has less than 40 calories. Light Has 25% …
Health topics
… is inflammation of the optic nerve , which lies at the back of the eye. This nerve carries visual information from … or total loss of vision, usually in one eye. You may have pain when you move your eye. When vision loss is partial, … is inflammation of the optic nerve , which lies at the back of the eye. This nerve carries visual information from …
Health topics
… gums Pregnancy: Hair changes Pregnancy: Belly, pelvic and back pain Pregnancy: Stretch marks, itching and skin changes …
Health topics
… good exercise for many people who have osteoarthritis , back pain, or fibromyalgia . It's often used to help people in … done water exercise before. Create more resistance. Start slowly, and gradually increase intensity. Walk in the water …