3135 results found
Health topics
… keep lymph fluid moving in the breast. When the normal flow of lymph fluid is blocked, it can make the breast look … that is swollen, red, and warm A breast that is tender or painful An area of itching in the breast A recent change in the nipple. Sometimes the nipple pulls back into the breast instead of pointing outward. This is …
Health topics
… of several shorter-acting ones. Make a schedule of when you should take each of your medicines. Put your schedule where … or cell phone to beep when it's time to take your pills. Try to save money on medicine. For example, ask your doctor … plan for missed doses. Talk with your doctor about what you should do if you miss a dose of a medicine. Discuss what to …
Health topics
… What are cataracts? Cataracts are a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye. They block the … in a child include genetics, infection during pregnancy, low birth weight, an eye injury, and some medicines. What … the area of the brain used for sight doesn't develop as it should. Lazy eye ( amblyopia ) and other eye problems may …
Health topics
… are treated with ice and by elevating the head. The bruise should be gone in 2 to 3 weeks. Inspect the eyeball. Be sure … black eye. Keep the head raised to help reduce swelling. Follow with warmth. After the swelling is gone, warm compresses may relieve pain. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all …
Health topics
… means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't … measurements show too much fluid, more tests may be done to try to find the cause. How is it treated? In most cases, … means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't …
Health topics
… new lesions from older ones and can help your doctor(s) follow the progress of the disease. Continuing to have periodic … you have had just one episode of MS-like symptoms and are trying to decide whether to start treatment with medicine, … Information Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple Sclerosis: Should I Start Taking Medicines for MS? Citations …
Health topics
… Asthma: Peak Expiratory Flow and Personal Best On this page: Overview Related … or peak flow, is how much air you breathe out when you try your hardest. You measure peak flow with a peak flow … good and has no symptoms. During these weeks, peak flows should be recorded at least 2 times a day. Your personal …
Health topics
… in that order and with attention to skin folds, daily. Try to make bath time relaxed and playful. Smile, make eye … burns, keep the temperature of your hot water tank below 49°C Keep the room warm, about 22 to 27°C (72 to 80°F) … leave baby unattended, not even for a second! Bath water should be lukewarm. Check the temperature on your wrist or …
Health topics
… simple cooking methods can help with healthy eating. And trying the methods for yourself at home can help you … edges. What to roast. Try vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, carrots, asparagus, and … edges. What to roast. Try vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, carrots, asparagus, and …
Health topics
… avoid infections. Tips for eating when you have COPD The following tips can make eating easier and help you get the … Eat with friends and family. If you eat a main meal, try to eat it early. This way, you will have energy … that cause gas. These foods include onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beans. Avoid foods that are hard to …