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Health topics
… chemicals include neurotransmitters like serotonin, natural pain relievers called endorphins, and catecholamines such as … You may also notice some short-term memory loss. This should slowly get better within several weeks. Ask your doctor when …
Health topics
… Last updated February 1, 2024 A stroke happens when blood flow to the brain is blocked (ischemic stroke) or there is … BC, Canada) This video provides information about why you should be physically active, how to stay safe during … how to get started, overcoming things that might hold you back, and physical activities that you might choose as well …
Health topics
… patches, and others are bumpy, like tiny bunches of cauliflower. Sometimes you can't see the warts at all. What causes … are ways to treat genital warts. But the warts may come back because treatment doesn't kill the HPV infection that … aged 9 to 26. For best protection from the vaccine, it should be given before someone becomes sexually active. To …
Health topics
… conserve your energy when moving through your day. Move slowly when you walk or do an activity such as housework. Sit … the most on shelves that are at the level of your waist or shoulder. Bending down and reaching up can make you tired … are some ways you can conserve your energy when eating. Try eating small, frequent meals instead of three larger …
Health topics
… 2 drinks a day for women. Make mealtimes calm and relaxed. Try not to skip meals or eat on the run. Skipping meals can … lead to overeating and guilt. If this is a problem for you, try to replace eating with other actions that relieve … 2 drinks a day for women. Make mealtimes calm and relaxed. Try not to skip meals or eat on the run. Skipping meals can …
Health topics
… can help get the food or object out. WARNING : Do not try the Heimlich manoeuvre unless you are sure the person is … the person's belly, just above the belly button but well below the breastbone. Grasp your fist with the other hand. … the person's belly, just above the belly button but well below the breastbone. Grasp your fist with the other hand. …
Health topics
… and anxiety. Helps manage blood pressure and cholesterol. Lowers your risk for heart attack and stroke. Makes your … diabetes might be a challenge if arthritis makes walking painful or if heart failure slows you down. But you can … that older adults and people with long-term health problems try to: Stretch for at least 10 minutes a day, 2 days a …
Health topics
… amount of potassium varies by age. Most people need the following amount each day. footnote 1 Recommended daily … from potassium? A potassium level that is too high or too low can be serious. It may cause symptoms such as muscle … frequent urination, and dehydration. It may also cause low blood pressure, confusion, paralysis, and changes in …
Health topics
… Overview You may be able to push a rectal prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let … and put lubricating jelly on your finger. Gently push back any tissue that has come out of the anus. Apply an ice … . … Overview You may be able to push a rectal prolapse back into place as soon as it occurs. Your doctor will let …
Health topics
… day. And it's easy to develop habits you didn't mean to. Try these tips for using social media and news in a healthy … the top headlines or summaries of the day's events. Unfollow or hide feeds that stress you out. And don't feel bad … the news, or spend an hour learning new guitar chords?" Follow the feel-good stuff. Let's face it, the news can feel …