3135 results found
Health topics
… are an option after your child has molar teeth in the back of the mouth. Teach your child how to swallow tablets or pills. By the age of 10, your child may be able to swallow a pill. Here are some tips to share with your child as …
Health topics
… use is a goal, then knowing what you'll gain by cutting back on or not drinking can help keep you motivated. Take a … Be honest. You may find that you have good reasons to cut back or quit—whatever your goal is. Put a check next to the … statements, you've just created a list of reasons to cut back or stop drinking. Nice work! Take a closer look at some …
Health topics
… Or it may be used to treat prostate cancer that has come back after radiation therapy. During this treatment, very … lead to fewer side effects, but the risk of cancer coming back (recurrence) is higher. Prostate … Or it may be used to treat prostate cancer that has come back after radiation therapy. During this treatment, very …
Health topics
… or stress. But, sometimes NES are related to a problem like low blood sugar or the way the heart is working. One example … NES depends on what is causing the seizures. Causes such as low blood sugar or infection are treated as needed. … or stress. But, sometimes NES are related to a problem like low blood sugar or the way the heart is working. One example …
Health topics
… person through casual contact. People who have dengue fever should be protected from mosquito bites. If a mosquito bites … A sudden high fever, up to 41°C (106°F) . A headache. Eye pain. Joint and muscle pain. A rash. Nausea, vomiting, and … the risk of bleeding. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. People with mild cases of …
Health topics
… plan. A reminder of how well you've done will help you get back on track. Respect your new eating habits and not urge … come and support you when you're having a hard time following your eating plan. You and your buddy can talk about … has many online forums and chat rooms for people who are trying to make changes in food choices. You can read and …
Health topics
… Asthma: Measuring Peak Flow Actionset Overview It's important to know how well your … as for asthma), talk to your doctor to learn how long you should wait to test your lung function after taking your … time you test your PEF. Peak flow monitoring relies on your trying as hard as you can. For accurate results, be sure to …
Health topics
… while you are pregnant. Doing so before you deliver allows you time to think about how to manage the daily … help you anticipate and manage breastfeeding difficulties, should they arise. Talk to friends and family members about … to eat regularly for the next several hours. Be sure to try breastfeeding your baby every 1 to 3 hours (even if you …
Health topics
… (UTIs) . There is limited proof that this is worth trying. Pure cranberry juice, cranberry extract, or … hard to know which product to choose. If you do want to try cranberry juice to prevent UTIs, it's better to drink … (UTIs) . There is limited proof that this is worth trying. Pure cranberry juice, cranberry extract, or …
Health topics
… light is not bright or scrunches up his or her face when trying to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the child is … movements. Often tilts the head to one side as though trying to see better. Often covers one eye or shuts one eye … light is not bright or scrunches up his or her face when trying to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the child is …