3135 results found
Health topics
… it might cause short-term skin colour change, infection, pain, and tiny red spider veins. Phlebectomy can help … Varicose Veins Varicose Veins: Should I Have a Surgical Procedure? Citations … it might cause short-term skin colour change, infection, pain, and tiny red spider veins. Phlebectomy can help …
Health topics
… , triglycerides , high-density lipoprotein (HDL) , and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) . This panel measures: Total … that may be done for a lipid panel include: Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol level. The ratio … to prevent, check on, or diagnose a medical condition. Follow your doctor's instructions on how to prepare for this …
Health topics
… normally, they sense when: Thyroid hormone levels are low, so they secrete more TRH and TSH. This stimulates the … hormone speeds things up and too little thyroid hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body … This affects whether you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your …
Health topics
… may break open (rupture) during labour. Women who have a low transverse caesarean scar have a lower risk of rupturing than women who have a vertical … incision scar. About 5 out of 1,000 women (0.5%) with a low transverse scar have a uterine rupture during a trial of …
Health topics
… the baby's brain may not be able to grow as fast as it should. If severe pressure builds up around the brain, it … and narrow. Or it may be very flat and broad in front or back or on the sides. The baby may have a misshapen nose or … can cause brain damage and can make the baby develop more slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your …
Health topics
… on the metal and on the part of the body that's stuck. Try breathing or blowing warm breaths on the area. If none of these things … If the area is in the mouth or on the lips, avoid swallowing blood by sitting up and tilting the head forward with …
Health topics
… If you think a reward system will help your child, then try it. If you think it may make your child feel worse, then … if it doesn't help your child in 3 to 6 months, think about trying other methods. This therapy may involve a series of … If you think a reward system will help your child, then try it. If you think it may make your child feel worse, then …
Health topics
… mould-killing products, or liquid bleach mixed with water. Try to keep your house aired out and dry. Avoid indoor air … from kerosene heaters. If you have a wood-burning stove, try to use one that is airtight and doesn't leak smoke into … mould-killing products, or liquid bleach mixed with water. Try to keep your house aired out and dry. Avoid indoor air …
Health topics
… nipple or a bottle you can squeeze to help the flow of milk. A health professional who specializes in babies … bottle and then feed it to your baby. Here are some tips to try when feeding your baby who has a cleft palate . These … can squeeze. Squeeze it gently during feeding to help the flow of milk. Prop your baby in an upright position. This …
Health topics
… would be most helpful for your child. A child with DMDD can try different types of counselling. Some types can help them … learn to better control their emotions. Family members can try family therapy or parent training. These programs teach … would be most helpful for your child. A child with DMDD can try different types of counselling. Some types can help them …