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Health topics
… After a child has had ACEs, the best thing you can do is try to prevent future harm while helping the child heal from … child process their experiences and learn skills to cope. Try to find a counsellor who has experience helping kids … After a child has had ACEs, the best thing you can do is try to prevent future harm while helping the child heal from …
Health topics
… devices, such as a clock. Wear earplugs to block sounds. Try using a fan or "white noise" machine. This may be useful … time, except for an emergency. Ask your doctor before you try a natural health product or medicine. Doctors usually … it could keep you awake when you get home in the morning. Try treatment with light (phototherapy) before a work shift …
Health topics
… your bladder's full.   Here's some advice that can help. Try to pee at regular times. This will prevent your bladder …
Health topics
… testicles move down into his scrotum, the sac that hangs below the penis. When one testicle does not move into the scrotum as it should, the baby has an undescended testicle . In rare … are the symptoms? An undescended testicle doesn't cause pain or other symptoms. The scrotum may look a little …
Health topics
… or threatening them. Making threatening phone calls. Following or stalking another person. Damaging or vandalizing … The possibility of teen violence also increases when the following factors are present in a teen's behaviour over … to violence or use a weapon to protect yourself. Don't try to deal with situation by yourself. Ask for help. …
Health topics
… the eyelid, ear, or nose. For skin cancers that have come back after surgery (recurrent). To relieve symptoms but not … of radiation therapy to treat skin cancer include the following: New skin cancers may occur in the surrounding area. … of radiation therapy to treat skin cancer include the following: New skin cancers may occur in the surrounding area. …
Health topics
… it is less clear how they need to do so – for example, how should an individual with a lung condition exercise … between health care professionals and clients. The list below provides some examples of frameworks that have been … for Collaboration, Motivation & Innovation, Canada) Teach-Back (Centre for Collaboration, Motivation & Innovation, …
Health topics
… style of eating. It features foods eaten in Greece, Spain, and other countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. … fats. The diet limits meat, cheese, and sweets. The fats allowed in this diet are mainly unsaturated fats. These … milk, cheese, and yogurt. Eat moderate amounts of poultry and eggs. Limit red meat to only a few times a month. …
Health topics
… roomy toe boxes will help prevent bunions and blisters. Try on shoes while wearing the kind of socks you will … doesn't know why that matters, ask for a clerk who does or try another store. Choose shoes made of comfortable … roomy toe boxes will help prevent bunions and blisters. Try on shoes while wearing the kind of socks you will …
Health topics
… ways. Listen and respond in a way that shows you're trying to understand. Resist the urge to offer advice or to … and why bad things happen to good people. You can help by allowing your teen to ask questions. Give your teen time to … and why bad things happen to good people. You can help by allowing your teen to ask questions. Give your teen time to …