3135 results found
Health topics
… face under a running faucet. Use a kitchen sink sprayer at low pressure. Immerse your face in a sink or pan filled with … face under a running faucet. Use a kitchen sink sprayer at low pressure. Immerse your face in a sink or pan filled with …
Health topics
… cause. Your doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests: Blood tests, such as a complete blood count , iron (ferritin) levels , or chemistry screen. The results from these tests may help you and … doctor find out whether symptoms are related to anemia, low blood iron levels, kidney problems, or diabetes. …
Health topics
… Bruxism related to sleep disorders can be treated with a low dose of antidepressant. Hypnosis, which addresses … Bruxism related to sleep disorders can be treated with a low dose of antidepressant. Hypnosis, which addresses …
Health topics
… 2-1-1 British Columbia (United Way) Search for free and low-cost food services, home-delivered meals, grocery … Market Nutrition Coupon Program A coupon program helping lower-income pregnant people, families and seniors access …
Health topics
… the baby goes to sleep. To use a rubber bulb correctly, follow these steps. Position the baby with his or her head tilted slightly back. Put a few saline nose drops in each side of the baby's … the baby goes to sleep. To use a rubber bulb correctly, follow these steps. Position the baby with his or her head …
Health topics
… causes uterine contractions that help shrink the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size. After breastfeeding is … causes uterine contractions that help shrink the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size. After breastfeeding is …
Health topics
… Quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do to slow down the disease and improve your quality of life. … After you quit smoking, the damage to the lung tissue slows down. In the first days after quitting, you may notice … up more mucus than usual. This is the result of your body trying to clear your lungs. But you will also notice after …
Health topics
… to free your digit or limb using home treatment. Blood flow can be reduced or cut off if your digit or limb remains … make the digit or limb swell and become harder to remove. Try to relax the digit or limb. Relaxation alone will … exposed digit or limb. This may reduce any swelling and allow it to be released. Use soapy water or oil. If ice …
Health topics
… can get trapped in blood vessels, blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood vessels in … footnote 1 And get routine eye examinations as an adult. Try to go to a doctor who specializes in eye problems ( … can get trapped in blood vessels, blocking the blood flow. When this blockage occurs in the small blood vessels in …
Health topics
… Small "pinpoint" pupils in the eyes. Losing weight without trying to, or not feeling like eating. Seeing things that … Small "pinpoint" pupils in the eyes. Losing weight without trying to, or not feeling like eating. Seeing things that …