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Health topics
… to fast or make special preparations before phlebotomy. But try to eat a good meal and drink plenty of fluids before … iron can cause serious organ and tissue damage. Phlebotomy lowers iron levels by removing iron-rich blood cells from … iron can cause serious organ and tissue damage. Phlebotomy lowers iron levels by removing iron-rich blood cells from …
Health topics
… too much food too quickly. Drinking too much alcohol. Swallowing too much air. Smoking. A sudden change in stomach … these remedies include: Holding your breath and counting slowly to 10. Quickly drinking a glass of cold water. Eating … too much food too quickly. Drinking too much alcohol. Swallowing too much air. Smoking. A sudden change in stomach …
Health topics
… pill the next day. During the first 7 days of pills, use a backup method of birth control, like a condom. Sunday start. … on the weekends. During the first 7 days of pills, use a backup method of birth control, like a condom. Fifth-day … yourself remember to take your pills and prevent pregnancy, try these easy tricks. Pick a time to take your pill. Link …
Health topics
… bodies. Both chestfeeding and breastfeeding are used below to ensure that all parents feel represented and … breastfeed. Speak with your healthcare provider before you try adding formula to your baby’s diet. Feeding your baby …
Health topics
… also help reduce your anxiety. Get regular exercise. Start slowly so that you don't overdo it. Build up your exercise … moderate to vigorous exercise. footnote 1 Get enough sleep. Try to go to bed at nearly the same time. And keep your room … also help reduce your anxiety. Get regular exercise. Start slowly so that you don't overdo it. Build up your exercise …
Health topics
… offer job or career training. A small number of programs allow parents to bring their children. Group therapy provides support and feedback from others who have struggled with substance use. Some … use a therapeutic community (TC) model. These programs allow you to be more accountable, responsible, and active in …
Health topics
… is to wait for 24 hours after a fever is gone before you go back to your regular activities. Cover your mouth and nose … is to wait for 24 hours after a fever is gone before you go back to your regular activities. Cover your mouth and nose …
Health topics
… is lying down is usually caused by mucus running down the back of the throat (post-nasal drip) from an upper … 24 hours. A cough that is persistent, interrupts sleep, or slows your child down needs to be watched closely. A cough is … 24 hours. A cough that is persistent, interrupts sleep, or slows your child down needs to be watched closely. A cough is …
Health topics
… your head and the ointment. With one hand, tilt your head back and pull the lower eyelid down with one or two fingers to create a small … ointment. With one hand, tilt your head back and pull the lower eyelid down with one or two fingers to create a small …
Health topics
… palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of the spinal cord. The surgeon then finds and … still be needed. Nerves that are cut during SDR do not grow back together. Sometimes not all nerves are cut, and other … palsy (CP). During SDR, a surgeon cuts the skin over the lower part of the spinal cord. The surgeon then finds and …