3138 results found
Health topics
… prevent cancer. Quit smoking. When you quit smoking, you lower your risk of many types of cancer. These include … of vegetables, fruits, beans and other legumes, fish, poultry, and whole grains. Eat less red meat (such as beef, … drinking water. Take care when you use cleaning products, paints, solvents, and pesticides. …
Health topics
… Resistance exercise, which provide clear health benefits, should be incorporated at least 2 days each week as well as … amount of physical activity has some benefits and adults should be encouraged to do even small amounts of moderate- … a key role in supporting adults to be physically active and should make physical activity counselling a priority in …
Health topics
… card and other information with you at all times. The card should include manufacturer information and the model … isn't working properly. These symptoms include the following: Your heartbeat is very fast or slow, skipping, or … around your device, such as swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. An unexplained fever. Current as of: September …
Health topics
… that pass through your mind. Meditation usually involves slow, regular breathing and sitting quietly for at least 15 … nicotine, and alcohol use. Anxiety, stress, and depression. Pain. Managing hot flashes. These are sensations of intense … that pass through your mind. Meditation usually involves slow, regular breathing and sitting quietly for at least 15 …
Health topics
… or number of jellyfish or tentacles that stung you. The pain from jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war stings may be … deep sores ( ulcers ) may develop. Healing is generally a slow process that may take many weeks. Permanent scars may … require emergency care. Symptoms can include any of the following: Shock Severe pain Swelling of the lips, tongue, …
Health topics
… the staff qualified? Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the … setting up a support system. What can you eat? The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your … the staff qualified? Will the weight stay off? The program should help you get past common problems in keeping the …
Health topics
… child's asthma starts to get out of control. Your doctor should periodically assess your asthma. He or she will ask … consider periodically testing your lung function. Spirometry is generally used to test lung function. It is done … You can monitor your lung function at home with a peak flow meter . This records the airflow as you blow out as hard …
Health topics
… Overview Treatment Overview To relieve pain during the second (pushing) stage of labour, an … area between the vagina and anus. It doesn't relieve the pain of contractions. A pudendal block works fast, is easily … we develop our content . … Treatment Overview To relieve pain during the second (pushing) stage of labour, an …
Health topics
… your vagina during childbirth, your bowel movements may be painful. You also may have constipation. Drink plenty of … and take stool softeners to help soften stools and ease pain. Labour and Delivery … your vagina during childbirth, your bowel movements may be painful. You also may have constipation. Drink plenty of …
Health topics
… next for them. This is an important time for them to get follow-up care. It can help them avoid relapse. In a relapse, their symptoms return, and they may need to go back to the hospital. Here are some ways you can help with their follow-up care. Ask if you can look over their discharge plan. …