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3138 results found
Health topics
… work through this decision together, consider the following: Your child's age. Consider how old your child is. … a difficult rehab from total hip replacement if the knee is painful and stiff. Ability to use walking aids. If a child's upper extremities (such as the elbow and shoulder) are affected by arthritis, it may be hard for him …
Health topics
… more than 2 to 3 times per day) or is accompanied by lower abdominal (pelvic) pain or vaginal bleeding. These symptoms may be caused by an … pregnancy. Symptoms of mild dehydration include the following: You may be more thirsty than usual. Your urine may …
Health topics
… your medicine may also kill the good bacteria. This may allow Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) bacteria to grow in … difficile (C. diff) colitis if both of the following are true: You are taking, or you recently took, … (which may contain blood or pus). Swelling, cramps, pain, or tenderness in the belly. Fever. Dehydration. To …
Health topics
… procedure, the lining of the rectum is removed, and the lower end of the small intestine (the ileum) is attached to … a pouch from the ileum to hold fecal material (stool). The lower end of the pouch is attached to the anus. The muscles … have colon or rectal cancer. Learn more Ulcerative Colitis: Should I Have Surgery? How Well It Works This surgery is …
Health topics
… doses, side effects, and other important information, and should include all prescription and over-the-counter … routine. Make a schedule for taking your medicines, and follow it every day. You can use this daily medicine planner . … routine. Make a schedule for taking your medicines, and follow it every day. You can use this daily medicine planner . …
Health topics
… love and guidance are important and valued. The following suggestions may help you communicate with and support … they are not living up to an idealized view of how they should be. Accept that your teen is not perfect and will … love and guidance are important and valued. The following suggestions may help you communicate with and support …
Health topics
… headache. Fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and belly pain. You quickly will become very sick. Within a few days, … headache. Fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and belly pain. You quickly will become very sick. Within a few days, …
Health topics
… of the eye. This surgery makes it easier for fluid to flow out of the front part of the eye, decreasing pressure in … (ALT). Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT). SLT uses a lower-power laser than ALT does. For laser trabeculoplasty: … drainage angle when the cornea and the iris stick together. Pain. Decreased vision. Decreased vision is usually a …
Health topics
… caught in your throat Unexplained difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving your jaw or tongue Numbness or pain in your tongue or other areas of your lips or mouth … then make a treatment plan. How can you prevent it? The following steps may help prevent oral cancer. Don't use tobacco …
Health topics
… medicine, such as loperamide (such as Imodium). Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do not take … care if: You are vomiting. You have new or worse belly pain. You have a fever. You cannot pass stools or gas. You … medicine, such as loperamide (such as Imodium). Read and follow all instructions on the label. Do not take …