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Health topics
… ways. It may be done on the thigh bone (femur) or the large lower leg bone (tibia). The most common way to use osteotomy … to remove a wedge of bone from the outer side of the large lower leg bone (tibia) near the knee. After removing the … is most often done in younger people. It can help relieve pain and delay the need for joint replacement. footnote 1 …
Health topics
… be a little different than the typical course discussed below. The first few days after surgery After your CABG … health before CABG surgery. You will probably have some pain. You may also feel frustrated, angry, or lonely. It is … health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Lower your stress level. You can benefit from both medical …
Health topics
… be checked by a doctor, especially if the keratoses become painful, bleed, become open sores, become infected, or … be checked by a doctor, especially if the keratoses become painful, bleed, become open sores, become infected, or …
Health topics
… Motrin). It may also help with muscle aches. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Watch for signs that the … Severe trouble breathing or shortness of breath Constant pain or pressure in their chest Confusion, or trouble … well after you touch it. Wash items in the warmest water allowed for the fabric type, and dry them completely. Clean …
Health topics
… able to feel the nodule. In rare cases, you may also: Feel pain in your throat or feel like your throat is full. Have a hard time swallowing. Have a hard time breathing. Feel nervous, have a … But if the nodule is large or causing problems with swallowing or breathing, you'll need surgery to remove it. If …
Health topics
… is a disease that causes a fever, chills, and muscle pain. You can get it from a bite from an infected mosquito. … safe to use with children older than 6 months. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Use bed nets (mosquito … safe to use with children older than 6 months. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Use bed nets (mosquito …
Health topics
… eye looking wet to having tears run down the cheek. A yellow or white buildup in the corner of the eye. The eyelids … spread to the eyelids. A severe infection can cause fever, pain, increased redness and swelling, and mucus or pus in … eye looking wet to having tears run down the cheek. A yellow or white buildup in the corner of the eye. The eyelids …
Health topics
… to 10 days. Your doctor may prescribe medicines to relieve pain after the surgery. Expect your face to be swollen and … the skin or remove all facial wrinkles around the eyes, below the nose, and around the lips. For best results, you may … the skin or remove all facial wrinkles around the eyes, below the nose, and around the lips. For best results, you may …
Health topics
… how well the body is able to process it. Normally, fluid flows through and out of chambers of the brain called … fluid can't move where it needs to or is not absorbed as it should be. And in rare cases the brain makes too much fluid. … deep part of the brain so that the fluid in the brain can flow freely. Sometimes emergency treatment is needed to …
Health topics
… heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. … down. Swelling in your legs. You may get these symptoms slowly, over months or years. Or you may get them suddenly, … blockers (ARBs). These make it easier for blood to flow. Diuretics. These help remove excess fluid from the …