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Health topics
… injuries come on suddenly. They may be caused by a direct blow, a penetrating injury, or a fall. Or they may occur when you twist, jerk, jam, or bend a limb abnormally. Pain may be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may … twisted or bent out of its normal position, even if it is back in place now? Yes Arm is or was out of its normal …
Health topics
… injury. You may have bumped your " funny bone " at the back of your elbow, causing shooting numbness and pain. The funny-bone feeling can be intense, but it's not … having had a specific injury, especially if symptoms began slowly or during everyday activities. Elbow injuries occur …
Health topics
… is a brown recluse spider? Brown recluse, violin, or fiddle-back ( Loxosceles ) spiders are about 1.25 cm (0.5 in.) long … recluse spider bite include: Reddened skin that may be followed by a blister that forms at the bite site. Mild to intense pain and itching for 2 to 8 hours following the bite. An …
Health topics
… everyone has had an elbow problem that may have caused pain or swelling. Most of the time our body movements don't … olecranon bursitis. This affects the olecranon bursa at the back of the elbow. Tendinosis. This is a series of … If a cast, splint, or brace is causing the problem, follow the instructions you got about how to loosen it. Yes …
Health topics
… parent or caregiver. A child who has a hip injury may feel pain in the hip, groin, thigh, or knee. A child in pain may … (acute) injury may occur from a fall on a hip, a direct blow to a hip or knee, or abnormal twisting or bending of the … Making the Most of Your Appointment Back Problems and Injuries Bruises and Blood Spots Under the …
Health topics
… Hormone Tests Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Hyperthyroidism: Should I Use Antithyroid Medicine or Radioactive Iodine? … Phenomenon and the Somogyi Effect Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Emotions … Iodine Treatment for Hyperthyroidism Relieving Menstrual Pain Secondary Adrenocortical Insufficiency Sick-Day …
Health topics
… for the eyes to be irritated or have a scratchy feeling. Pain isn't a common eye problem unless there has been an … the eye, or increased drainage are often more serious. They should be checked by a doctor. Eye symptoms that are new or … Examples include an infection of the inner edge of the lower eyelid ( dacryocystitis ) and pink eye ( …
Health topics
… include: Redness in the white of the eye. Grey or yellow drainage from the eye. This drainage may cause the eyelashes to stick together. Mild pain . Swelling of the upper eyelid. It may make the lid … eye area. To put in eyedrops or ointment: Tilt your head back, and pull your lower eyelid down with one finger. Drop …
Health topics
… be safe in all of your everyday activities. Explore the following first aid topics to learn more: Choking Rescue … Open/close information section Health Topics Abdominal Pain, Age 11 and Younger Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older … Anxiety Arm Injuries Arm Problems, Non-Injury Back Problems and Injuries Black Widow Spider Bite Blister …
Health topics
… may be minor or serious. They may include symptoms such as pain, swelling, cramps, numbness, tingling, weakness, or … leg problems if you know what the bones of the thigh and lower leg look like, as well as the muscles and tendons. Leg … Making the Most of Your Appointment Back Problems and Injuries Hip Problems, Age 11 and Younger …