3138 results found
Health topics
… with the substance. Cradle cap . This is an oily, yellow scaling or crusting on a baby's scalp. It's common in … is on both sides of the body and on most of the legs, arms, back, or belly. A rash in one area may be just one small … activities for more than 2 days Does the rash hurt? Yes Painful rash No Painful rash Does the rash produce a …
Health topics
… Overview Accelerated, or rush, immunotherapy (allergy shots) is done very quickly to increase your tolerance to an … allergen. There are different schedules for the shots that try to achieve a maintenance dose more quickly than usual. … is more likely than with standard allergy shots. All shots should be given in a doctor's office or clinic so that …
Health topics
… (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet can help you lower your blood pressure. It includes eating fruits, … total calories come from fats. And most of these calories should come from healthy fats such as vegetable oils, nuts, … in animal meat, dairy products, and processed foods. Cut back on sodium There is a link between eating sodium and …
Health topics
… as: Asthma in Teens and Adults . Asthma: Measuring Peak Flow . Asthma: Taking Charge of Your Asthma . Asthma: Using … Capacity How Asthma Develops in Children Inhaled Corticosteroids for Asthma Inhaled Quick-Relief Medicines for … information section Make a Wise Decision Allergies: Should I Take Allergy Shots? Open/close information section …
Health topics
… physical activity can raise your metabolic rate. Very low-calorie diets will lower your metabolic rate. A lower … Stress, anxiety, or illnesses such as depression or chronic pain can lead to overeating. People sometimes eat to calm … Without those lifestyle changes, you will gain the weight back if you stop taking the medicine. Over-the-counter …
Health topics
… Common symptoms include feeling very tired and having joint pain or swelling (arthritis) , a fever, and a skin rash . … red spots may appear on the arms, hands, face, neck, or back. Exposure to ultraviolet light (such as sunlight or … operator may tell you to chew 1 adult-strength or 2 to 4 low-dose aspirin. Wait for an ambulance. Do not try to drive …
Health topics
… through the bloodstream to the lungs, and block blood flow in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Pulmonary embolism is … or look red. The calf or thigh may ache or feel tender. Pain may get worse and last longer or become constant. If a … of the affected leg. To prevent blood clots from coming back. Treatment includes medicine and self-care. Blood …
Health topics
… chances of having a heart attack or stroke. It's not to lower your cholesterol numbers alone. Lifestyle changes … emergency services. Heart attack symptoms include: Chest pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. … or vomiting. Pain, pressure, or a strange feeling in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders …
Health topics
… may order lung function tests. These tests include: Spirometry . Doctors use this test to diagnose and keep track of … of your lungs and how much air you move. Peak expiratory flow (PEF). This shows how much air you can breathe out when … prevent some infections. And ask about what medicines you should avoid. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise …
Health topics
… Carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness, tingling, weakness, pain, and other problems in your hand that are caused by … joints and soft tissues in the arm, or to reduced blood flow to the hands. These include obesity, rheumatoid … weakness, or pain in your fingers or hand that keeps coming back or that has not gone away after 2 weeks of home …