3138 results found
Health topics
… donation For 4 or 5 days before you donate, you will get shots to help your bone marrow make and send more stem cells … out the stem cells and saves them. Then your blood is sent back into you through a needle in your other arm. If the … from the back of your pelvic bone using a special hollow needle. This is a surgical procedure done under a local …
Health topics
… a big health problem, but it can be uncomfortable or painful. It can be treated if it bothers you. And it may get … from pelvic organs pressing against the vaginal wall. Your lower belly may feel very full, and you may feel as if … Feeling a pull or a stretch in the groin area or a low backache. Pain during intercourse. Urinary problems. For …
Health topics
… For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. Bupropion/naltrexone (Contrave): … Without those lifestyle changes, you will gain the weight back if you stop taking the medicine. Many people regain the … also can harm unborn babies. Women who are pregnant should not take these medicines. General cautions for all …
Health topics
… before reusing these items. Some people who have diabetes should not reuse their syringes or lancets, including people … to take if you reuse syringes or lancets: Put the cover back on the needle after use. The safest way to do this is … to take if you reuse syringes or lancets: Put the cover back on the needle after use. The safest way to do this is …
Health topics
… the retina . The retina is the nerve layer that lines the back of your eye. It is the part of your eye that "takes … damage to your eye. These changes can include floaters, pain in the eye, blurry vision, or new vision loss. How is … severe. Can diabetic retinopathy be prevented? You can lower your chance of damaging small blood vessels in the eye …
Health topics
… seizure usually lasts less than 3 minutes and isn't followed by a second seizure. Any healthy person can have a … certain conditions. If you have a first-time seizure, you should be checked by your doctor. It's important to rule out … smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home Treatment You have answered all the questions. …
Health topics
… tears may cause no symptoms. But complete tears cause pain and sudden loss of strength and movement. Middle-aged … by asking questions about your past health and checking the back of your leg for pain and swelling. If your symptoms are … or other device may also be used. These devices keep the lower leg and ankle from moving. Rehab follows both of these …
Health topics
… or taking medicines to treat prostate cancer, can also lower the level of testosterone in your body. Low estrogen … bowel disease, and chronic liver disease. Your family background. Osteoporosis tends to run in families. Having a … bone thickness. Medicine can also give you relief from pain caused by fractures or other changes to your bones. …
Health topics
… include: Bleeding into a joint or muscle, which causes pain and swelling. Bleeding that is not normal after an … check for the amount of clotting factor. If the level is low, then more tests will find out the type of hemophilia … doctor tells you to. And don't take aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as …
Health topics
… semen analysis, blood tests, and special procedures. Should I be tested? Before you have infertility tests, try … physical examination, and blood tests, do not cause pain. But some procedures, such as an endometrial biopsy , a … reserve). FSH testing may also be used for men with a very low number of sperm to try to find out the source of the …