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Health topics
… more about allergies and triggers in the health topics below. Allergic reaction to tattoo dye Allergic reaction … epinephrine shot Allergies: rush immunotherapy Allergies: should I take allergy shots? Allergies: should I take shots for insect sting …
Health topics
… Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When To Call … completely. Other symptoms may include belly or rectal pain. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may … Then the healthy ends of the colon or rectum are sewn back together. A bowel resection may be done through one cut …
Health topics
… in water also may reduce the chance that you'll use an epidural for pain management. footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to … also may reduce the chance that you'll use an epidural for pain management. footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to …
Health topics
… if you want help choosing one. Why is it used? Usually, low blood oxygen levels cause symptoms like fatigue or … has batteries.) Clip it on the end of a finger. Your nail should be facing up. You'll see the results in a few … Warm your hand, or remove the nail polish or nail. Or try a different finger. Your doctor may suggest checking …
Health topics
… part of treatment for a rotator cuff disorder . If you have pain, weakness, and stiffness in your shoulder from a … your problems worse. For example, try not to reach into the backseat of your car or stretch your arms toward your back. Be careful when you start your exercises. Slow down or stop if you need to. You also need to do …
Health topics
… , or hammer, claw, or mallet toes —will not become severely painful or disabling if you wear shoes with a wide toe box … ball of your foot more room. Try to wear shoes that: Have low heels. Avoid high-heeled, narrow, or pointed-toe shoes. … deep toe boxes (the area that surrounds the toes). There should be about 1.3 cm (0.5 in.) of space between your …
Health topics
… Allergies Allergies: Avoiding Indoor Triggers Allergies: Should I Take Shots for Insect Sting Allergies? Drug Allergies Health … information section Make a Wise Decision Allergies: Should I Take Allergy Shots? Allergies: Should I Take Shots
Health topics
… resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking medicine to lower your fever. But some people need to go to the hospital … symptoms usually are more severe. Body aches and muscle pain (often severe), commonly in the back, arms, or legs. Headache. Fatigue, a general feeling of …
Health topics
… It's different from normal feelings of sadness, grief, or low energy. Depression can also cause people to feel … can also take steps to help prevent depression from coming back (relapse) or to help your symptoms. Steps include … physical health. You may have headaches or other aches and pains. Or you may have digestive problems such as …
Health topics
… get the care you need. Go to all your doctor visits, and follow your doctor's or midwife's advice about what to do and what to avoid during pregnancy. Should you try to lose weight during pregnancy? No. Pregnancy is not …