3138 results found
Health topics
… damage the lung. But if the clot is large and stops blood flow to the lung, it can be deadly. What causes it? Pulmonary … are sudden shortness of breath; sudden, sharp chest pain that may get worse when you cough or take a deep … recommends them. Check with your doctor about whether you should use hormonal forms of birth control or hormone …
Health topics
… you use drugs? Drugs target a part of your brain that allows you to feel pleasure. This causes your brain to release … after the drug wears off. Or you may be more sensitive to pain, have sleep problems, lose interest in everyday … you may crave more of the drug to get the good feeling back. Over time, your brain adjusts to the drug by making …
Health topics
… a tender bulge in the groin or scrotum. You may also have pain, pressure or burning, or a feeling that something has … because an opening in the muscle wall does not close as it should before birth, leaving a weak area in the belly … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Back Problems: Proper Lifting Prevention Most inguinal …
Health topics
… good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have back pain. Keep your back in the neutral position—not too curved … techniques . Slumping or slouching alone may not cause low back pain. But after the back has been strained or …
Health topics
… Information Overview Children with type 1 diabetes can and should take part in their treatment. As children get older … can test their blood sugar level. Children in middle school should be able to test their own blood sugar level. Some children can give insulin shots as long as this happens with supervision. Teens should …
Health topics
… sacs beneath the skin called hair follicles). Next, a low-level electrical current passes through the needle or … skin and destroys the hair follicle. Hair is unable to grow back in an area where the follicle has been destroyed. The … in a healthy person. During treatment, you may feel some pain from the electrical current flow. After treatment, your …
Health topics
… The symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel very happy, … It causes episodes of mania and depression that keep coming back. Bipolar II. With this form, you will have depression … think there is no other way to solve the problem or end the pain. You feel you can't stop from hurting yourself or …
Health topics
… the person we most want to be. Exploring what's holding you back A good place to start is to ask a simple question: … important." "I don't have a good plan." "I'm not sure about trying something new." Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? Maybe something else is holding you back. Finding ways to recharge Doing something to manage …
Health topics
… This is damage to peripheral nerves . These nerves sense pain, touch, hot, and cold. They also affect movement and muscle strength. The nerves in the feet and lower legs are most often affected. This type of nerve … polyradiculoneuropathy. It often affects nerves in the back and chest. These types of nerve damage happen all of a …
Health topics
… you take. You're an older adult. As you age, your body slows down. Some medicines stay in your body longer. One … to your doctor or pharmacist for help taking your medicine. Try to take each of your medicines at the same time each … and post it someplace where you will see it often. The list should include the name of each medicine, the dose, how …