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3135 results found
Health topics
… leaks out from the damaged gland. Later, levels may be low (hypothyroidism) until the gland repairs itself. … diarrhea. Your heart is beating very fast or you have chest pain. You have a fever. You are confused or feel sleepy. You … quitting for good. Lower your stress. Learn to use biofeedback, guided imagery, meditation, or other methods to relax. …
Health topics
… Basics Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … or feeling short of breath. Other signs may include chest pain and blood in mucus that is coughed up. How is it … bloody mucus. Chest symptoms, such as: Chest, shoulder, or back pain that doesn't go away and often gets worse with …
Health topics
… have symptoms. If you have symptoms, you likely will have pain in your stomach or the upper right part of your belly. Pain may spread to your right upper back or shoulder blade area. When gallstones block a bile … at a healthy weight. If you need to lose weight, do so slowly and sensibly. Eat regular, balanced meals. Be active, …
Health topics
… Overview Insect stings often cause minor swelling, redness, pain, and itching. Most bites and stings will heal on their … from a bite or sting. After a sting After you are stung, try to move away from the stinging insect. Bees will alert … special. If you have been stung on the arm or leg, lower the limb at the time of the sting to slow the spread …
Health topics
… healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can slow down or even prevent problems that often come with … minor soreness or stiffness is to be expected at first. But pain is a warning sign to stop. Learn more Being Active When … who are underweight or frail have low reserves for bouncing back after an illness or injury. In the later years, this …
Health topics
… collect in your arm or leg. Prop up your arm or leg on a pillow anytime you sit or lie down. Try to keep the limb above the level of your heart whenever … Follow your doctor's advice about what daily exercises you should do. Exercises can help drain the lymph fluid. See a …
Health topics
… such as blood in the urine, a lump that can be felt in the lower back or belly, or pain in the side or the back. How is it diagnosed? You may …
Health topics
… recommendations for heart failure are not closely followed. Medicine and diet therapy are most effective when … magnesium, calcium, and zinc. Ask your doctor if you should take natural health products or eat certain foods to … include meat, nuts, legumes, fish (especially oysters), poultry, and milk and milk products. Should you limit alcohol? …
Health topics
… grains, vegetables and fruits, and dried beans are good lower-calorie foods. They give you lots of nutrients and … high in calories. They give you few nutrients and no fibre. Try to limit soda pop, fruit juice, and energy drinks. Drink … Some fats can be part of a healthy diet. But cutting back on fats from highly processed foods like fast foods and …
Health topics
… you exercise. This can make the time go faster. Try free or low-cost exercises. If exercise equipment isn't in your … thighs. Or lift your baby up and down as you lie on your back. You can find lots of other exercises like this online. … enough to ride in a bike trailer. Children in bike trailers should wear helmets. Be active at the park or playground. …