1179 results found
Health topics
… vessel bypasses the diseased artery to increase blood flow to the heart muscle. The doctor typically makes a cut in the skin over your breastbone (sternum). This cut is called an incision. Then the … and moves the blood through the body. The machine will allow the doctor to stop your heartbeat while working on your …
Health topics
… in the lining of the stomach (gastric ulcers) or just below the stomach, at the start of the small intestine … or gnawing pain between the belly button and the breastbone, and belly pain that is temporarily relieved by taking … of Peptic Ulcers What Increases Your Risk Doing the following things can increase your chance of getting a peptic …
Health topics
… during your second and third trimesters. This may help lower your risk of preterm labour. But if you're pregnant … with or without diarrhea. A feeling of pressure in your lower belly. A persistent, dull ache in your lower back, pelvic area, lower belly, or thighs. Changes in …
Health topics
… the prostate . It's often painful. The prostate lies just below your bladder and makes part of the fluid for semen. … Symptoms of chronic prostatitis are often mild and start slowly over weeks or months. Symptoms of acute prostatitis … treatments include muscle relaxers and medicines that slow the growth of the prostate. Treatment may also include …
Health topics
… of the days you were bleeding, how heavy or light the flow was, and how you felt each day.) You may also have tests … or premenstrual pain starts. Be safe with medicines, and follow your doctor's instructions. Irregular menstrual bleeding can lead to low levels of iron in the blood. This condition is known as …
Health topics
… little interest in sex. And it's common for people to have lower sex drives as they age. What causes them? When there's … sexual desire may decrease. Medicines. Some medicines may lower sexual desire and arousal. These include certain … helps keep your vagina healthy. You can take the following steps to help prevent sexual problems. Look after …
Health topics
… effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be … the medicine, call your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change your medicine. Do not suddenly … heavy equipment when you feel drowsy. Diarrhea. Eat mild, low-fibre foods, such as applesauce, rice, and yogurt. Avoid …
Health topics
… to certain birth defects. PAPP-A is a protein in the blood. Low levels may be related to certain birth defects. The … of the integrated screening test . Ultrasound . This test allows your doctor to see an image of your developing baby. It … to certain birth defects. PAPP-A is a protein in the blood. Low levels may be related to certain birth defects. The …
Health topics
… don't affect adults, such as: Croup . Infection of the lower respiratory system (such as bronchiolitis or … than stuffy nose Is your child drooling and unable to swallow, cry, or make sounds ? Yes Drooling and unable to swallow No Drooling and unable to swallow Would you describe the …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … or glasses. Poor eyesight caused by cataracts happens slowly over time, so you probably don't need to rush into … are the risks of cataract surgery? Although the risk is low, surgery for cataracts does involve the risk of partial …