1179 results found
Health topics
… based on the theory that energy, called chi (say "chee"), flows through and around your body along pathways called … is a way to unblock or influence chi and help it flow back into balance. Acupuncture is done by putting very … points on your body. This is done to influence the energy flow. Sometimes heat, pressure, or mild electrical current is …
Health topics
… of ear injuries include: A fall or a forceful, direct blow to the side of the head. This can burst the eardrum or damage the tiny bones in the inner ear that send sound to the brain. An … contact sports. Sports can cause injuries such as "cauliflower" ear from wrestling. Loud noises or explosions. They …
Health topics
… diabetes: Counting carbs Gestational diabetes: Dealing with low blood sugar Gestational diabetes: Giving yourself … problems with the amniotic sac that surrounds your baby. Low-lying placenta versus placenta previa Placenta previa Placental abruption Low amniotic fluid Polyhydramnios Multiple pregnancy Risks …
Health topics
… the normal cycle of rapid growth spurts and periods of slow growth make it hard to keep a teen's blood sugar level … Eating fast foods often also makes it hard for teens to follow a balanced diet and stay at a healthy weight. Teens may … These actions can be dangerous. They may lead to high or low blood sugar emergencies or an eating disorder. Common …
Health topics
… to harm you. This substance shows up on a special image, allowing a doctor to see food in your stomach and watch how … wait 2 to 3 hours before you lie down. Eat meals that are low in fibre and fat. Relax before you start eating, and then eat slowly. If you have diabetes: Carry a quick-sugar food that …
Health topics
… vomiting. Craving salt. If you have diabetes, you may have low blood sugar more often, and it may be more severe than usual. Symptoms usually start slowly. You may not even notice them until your body is under … Severe vomiting and diarrhea. Sudden pain in the belly, low back, or legs. A high fever. Feeling very weak or …
Health topics
… medicines and steroid medicines . Medicines to treat bone pain. Opioid pain relievers . Antidepressants. They can … differently than over-the-counter medicines. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions when you take these … treatments. It includes: Meditation. This usually involves slow, regular breathing and sitting quietly for at least 15 …
Health topics
… is causing the anemia, such as ulcers or a problem in the bone marrow. People who are very anemic may need blood … is causing the anemia, such as ulcers or a problem in the bone marrow. People who are very anemic may need blood …
Health topics
… about financial planning. Many communities offer free or low-cost classes. They can help you learn how to create a … financial planning and budgeting. Make a plan you can follow. Choose a plan that will help you reach your goals. But … sure it's realistic. Ask yourself if it's a plan you can follow for the long-term. For example, cutting your spending in …
Health topics
… normally, they sense when: Thyroid hormone levels are low, so they secrete more TRH and TSH. This stimulates the … hormone speeds things up and too little thyroid hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body … This affects whether you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your …