2584 results found
Health topics
… children learn that their opinions can make a difference. Allowing children and teens a voice may help reduce their … meeting times offer a great opportunity to plan family outings and other enjoyable activities. Each member has an … to time so that no one person is always in charge. The following items are an example of an agenda for a family …
Health topics
… lime. Or try alcohol-free beer or "virgin" cocktails (without the alcohol). Drink more water. Use the water to quench … of a pint. Use a smaller glass for wine. Choose drinks with lower alcohol content (ABV%). Or use less liquor and more mixer in cocktails. Slow down. It's easy to drink quickly and without thinking …
Health topics
… in the moist air for 10 to 15 minutes. Take your child outside. Exposure to cool outdoor air often helps open a … methods, put your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Do not smoke, especially in the house. If the … methods, put your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Do not smoke, especially in the house. If the …
Health topics
… growth and development Most children by age 7: Grow about 6 cm (2.5 in.) and gain about 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by …
Health topics
… growth and development Most children by age 10: Grow about 6 cm (2.5 in.) and gain about 3 kg (7 lb) in a year. Have growth patterns related to … puberty may develop in girls, such as breast buds. Lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by …
Health topics
… depression. Postpartum depression affects up to 15 out of 100 women. footnote 1 If your moodiness or anxiety … an increased risk for developing postpartum depression, follow up with your doctor or midwife 1 to 3 weeks after giving … an increased risk for developing postpartum depression, follow up with your doctor or midwife 1 to 3 weeks after giving …
Health topics
… with you. This is how he or she lets you know about having a wet diaper, being hot or cold, or wanting to be … blanket. Make the top part snug but not too tight. Keep the lower part loose so it doesn't harm baby's hips. What is … blanket. Make the top part snug but not too tight. Keep the lower part loose so it doesn't harm baby's hips. What is …
Health topics
… shield looks like a little hat with a brim. Many have a cutout area on the brim to allow for more skin-to-skin contact. The crown of the hat fits … your nipples or your baby may not get enough milk. The following signs mean you are using the shield correctly: You …
Health topics
… they are safe alone for a while and are able to bathe without help, shut the door or close a curtain and step out of the bathroom. But stay close in case they ask for … they are safe alone for a while and are able to bathe without help, shut the door or close a curtain and step out of …
Health topics
… doctor may want to do blood tests or other tests to find out if a medical problem is causing your extra hair growth … (hirsutism). If the cause is not a medical problem, treating it is often a matter of choice. That's because … level. Antiandrogens. These are prescription medicines that lower the amount of male sex hormones in your body. Topical …