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Health topics
… is a long-lasting (chronic) disease that may last throughout your life—you must treat it long term. But following a management plan can be difficult over a long period … worse symptoms later in life. Understand the benefits of treating asthma and the risks of not treating asthma. It may …
Health topics
… a burn, chickenpox, or acne. Thick tissue grows up and out from the healing area, making the scar bigger than the … Radiation tends to be reserved as a last option for treating keloids. There is a chance that it can cause cancer. … help it heal faster and with less scarring. Using the following tips to treat the area may help prevent keloid …
Health topics
… of your heart failure, you should talk with your doctor about your ability to drive. Travel. In general, all forms of … than your intended trip to make sure that you do not run out. If you have severe heart failure, you can talk with … of your heart failure, you should talk with your doctor about your ability to drive. Travel. In general, all forms of …
Health topics
… when they don't feel sick. Or they may worry about side effects. Some people find it hard to keep track of … a pillbox and set a reminder on your phone. Learn more about your medicines, including side effects and what to do if … is a generic brand you can take to save money. Learn about your medicines The more you know about your medicines, …
Health topics
… is happening. Your past experience has taught you a lot about what helps you in tough situations. Think about how that can help you now. Use what you learned before. … you can be a source of strength and wisdom now. Think about what worked—and what didn't work—for you in the past. …
Health topics
… doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions about your symptoms, activities, and home. You may also have … infection. (Symptoms may include fever or a creamy, yellow or green discharge from the nose.) Your allergy symptoms … infection. (Symptoms may include fever or a creamy, yellow or green discharge from the nose.) Your allergy symptoms …
Health topics
… things for others. Are loving and lovable. Are optimistic about life. Children often surprise us with how resilient they … dressed or brushing their teeth. Children who are not allowed to perform tasks on their own get the message that … reasonable and that your children understand them. And follow through on any consequences you have established for …
Health topics
… sleeping well. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your sleep history, bedtime habits, and how your sleep … focus on goals such as having healthy sleep habits and creating a sleep schedule. These things can gradually help you … are many steps you can take that may improve your sleep. Follow the treatment plan that you and your doctor made to help …
Health topics
… urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your child's body. It includes the bladder and the … children. This may happen if a problem in the bladder allows urine to flow backward. Or it can happen if something … infection (sepsis). Your doctor is likely to start treating your child based on the symptoms and urine test. …
Health topics
… place with cement. Or they may be made with material that allows new bone to grow into the joint component over time to hold it in place without cement. The top end of your upper arm bone is shaped … you have a fever. You will have an exercise program to follow when you go home, even if you are still having …