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2584 results found
Health topics
… balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small … Needed for proper fluid balance, stomach acid. Table salt, soy sauce; large amounts in processed foods; small … silicon, vanadium, and cobalt. Healthy Eating Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources Weight …
Health topics
… The pressure damages the skin and underlying tissues, creating an injury. This can happen when you lie in bed or sit … occur over bony areas, such as your sit bones, hips, lower back, elbows, heels, and shoulders. Pressure injuries … may recommend that you use a saline solution. This is a salt and water solution that you can buy over the counter. …
Health topics
… and tennis, are usually fine. If you had an exercise routine, talk to your doctor about when you can restart it. … you drink more fluids each day and that you not restrict salt (sodium) in your diet. If a large part of your small … you drink more fluids each day and that you not restrict salt (sodium) in your diet. If a large part of your small …
Health topics
… and helping her husband, Al, with his tax business. About a year ago while doing some work for Al, Gloria had … in range Gloria started taking pills (metformin) to help lower her blood sugar levels. And she took a diabetes … morning and talk about how we're doing, what we're eating. And we swap recipes. It's really fun, and I learn a …
Health topics
… do. Breast milk is the only food your baby needs until about 6 months of age. You do not need to give your baby food, … to get health benefits from breast milk. Breastfeeding lowers your child's risk for sudden infant death syndrome … you very tired. But know that your baby will soon start eating more at each feeding, and you won't need to …
Health topics
… amount of potassium varies by age. Most people need the following amount each day. footnote 1 Recommended daily … Notice how much potassium you're getting. You can figure out how much potassium is in packaged foods by looking at … from potassium? A potassium level that is too high or too low can be serious. It may cause symptoms such as muscle …
Health topics
… baby excellent health benefits. A healthy diet includes eating a variety of foods from the food groups: vegetables … roughy and fresh or frozen tuna. Instead, eat fish that is low in mercury. Choose canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, … cause fussiness and sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine is safe for you. Limit alcohol. …
Health topics
… or when it is prepared. You may have become ill after eating meat or eggs that weren't cooked enough or by eating … before you increase how much fluid you drink. Drink fluids slowly, in frequent, small amounts. Drinking too much too … can lose minerals. Sports drinks, which contain a mix of salt, sugar, and minerals, may help replace electrolytes. …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Prediabetes: Which Treatment Should I Use to … with prediabetes. These changes include losing weight, eating healthier foods, and getting more exercise. The …
Health topics
… a few days to recover from a flap procedure. Be sure to follow the home care instructions that your dentist or oral surgeon gives you. If you have questions about your instructions, call the dentist or surgeon. The … After 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and …