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Health topics
… Several types of behavioural methods are used for treating urinary incontinence : bladder training, habit … you can wait before having to urinate. You are taught about the structure of the lower urinary tract and the causes of incontinence. A …
Health topics
… peel often causes redness, stinging, and skin flaking for about a week. The skin may turn reddish brown with symptoms … Most people can go back to their normal activities in about a week. Deep peels A deep peel causes a deeper burn of … and discomfort for several days or more. Skin grows back about 10 to 14 days after a deep peel. The skin stays very red …
Health topics
… Less body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less stress. Fewer body aches. More … grocery bags more easily. You can pick up children without feeling as much strain. And you can carry heavy items … you about proper form. Give your body time to adjust. Allow at least 2 weeks for your muscles and connective tissues …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Rotator Cuff Problems: Should I Have Surgery? 1 … 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Have surgery, followed by physiotherapy. Try other treatment, including …
Health topics
… this age will learn to control their bladders over time without treatment. But if your child older than 7 wets the bed … If a medical condition is causing the bedwetting, treating the condition may stop the wetting. Treatment often … first. What Increases Your Risk Children who develop at a slower rate than other children during the first 3 years of …
Health topics
… each stage, you face challenges in your family life that allow you to build or gain new skills. Gaining these skills … who you are and who you become. The more you understand about the challenges of each stage of the cycle, the more … in that it is not giving up something. Rather, it is creating a third, better option. You may find that some of the …
Health topics
… But you still have syphilis. You can get syphilis without having sexual intercourse. Just being in close contact … often occur during the second stage. That's usually followed by a time without symptoms. Syphilis can move to the … treatment even if they don't have symptoms. Go to all follow-up tests. This helps your doctor check that treatment …
Health topics
… in the morning. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past health and your symptoms and will do a … may prescribe a brace, a splint, a sling, or crutches to allow tendons to rest and heal. Cause Most tendinopathy is the … time, 3 times a day) as long as it relieves pain. Although heating pads may feel good, ice will relieve pain and …
Health topics
… a fever. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about symptoms. Then your doctor will look into your ears. A … For children, it also will depend on the child's age. Follow up with your doctor if your symptoms don't get better. Sometimes children need to follow up if they are younger than 6 months old or if their …
Health topics
… is it diagnosed? Your doctor can check for OCD by asking about your symptoms and your past health. A physical … therapy called exposure and response prevention (ERP). ERP slowly increases your contact with the thing that causes … the fears that you stop going outside of your home. OCD can lower your quality of life because it affects your ability …