2584 results found
Health topics
… Works Risks Surgery Overview Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower third molars. These teeth are at the very back of your mouth. They are the last teeth to surface in the mouth. They … tongue. After 24 hours, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and …
Health topics
… include: Lean protein. Examples include fish that are low in mercury, poultry without skin, low-fat milk products, and beans and peas … bread, and leafy green vegetables. Even if you have good eating habits, you will need a multivitamin to make sure you …
Health topics
… have a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this … what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Obesity: Should I Take Weight-Loss Medicine? 1 Get … active. Try to lose weight without weight-loss medicines by eating healthy foods and being active. Key points to …
Health topics
… often decrease their fluid intake and promote excessive sweating before a match in order to "make weight." To protect … and make it hard to make good decisions. Do not take salt tablets. Most people get plenty of salt in their diets. If you are worried about replacing minerals lost …
Health topics
… watching her two boys grow and felt like she was missing out. "I was too shy, too self-conscious to go out and do … like me. I didn't want to go to the park." So she started eating smaller portions, and she cut down on fast foods—little steps that still allowed her to eat some of her favourite foods (like french …
Health topics
… one of the best ways to improve your health. It's free and low-impact and can be enjoyed alone or with a partner. You … Going for regular, brisk walks in combination with healthy eating, can also help you to stay within a healthy weight … down when you finish! Find the right pace When starting out, walk at a moderate pace. You should be moving at a …
Health topics
… tries to make up for it. To do this: Your body holds on to salt and water. This increases the amount of blood in your … include a heart device, such as a pacemaker. Treatment can slow the disease, help you feel better, and help keep you out … take an active role in managing a health condition. Healthy Eating: Eating Less Sodium Heart Failure Daily Action Plan …
Health topics
… Bones, Joints, and Muscles Learning Center Learn about bone, joint, and muscle health It's not uncommon to have … Problems and Injuries . Osteoarthritis . Fibromyalgia . Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain . Tennis Elbow: … Neck Problems and Injuries Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria) Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren's Disease …
Health topics
… make up for this. They increase blood pressure, hold on to salt (sodium) and water in the body, and increase the heart … brain and vital organs widen to carry the increased blood flow. Hormone systems. When the body thinks it needs more … the bloodstream and stimulates your heart to beat faster. Beating faster helps to maintain cardiac output as the stroke …
Health topics
… The symptoms depend on your mood swings, or "highs" and "lows." During a manic high, you may feel very happy, … thinking and making decisions. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have bipolar disorder, your doctor will ask how … have to do them all at once. Try to do one thing, such as eating a healthy diet, then add another when you can. Watch …