2583 results found
Health topics
… healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can slow down or even prevent problems that often come with … and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods. Avoid salty foods and foods with a lot of fat in them. If you … meaningful activity in your daily life, such as learning, creating, working, and volunteering. Be social. Stay in touch …
Health topics
… can feel worried and stressed. Stress can come from outside, such as family, friends, and school. It can also … Be supportive , and listen to your child's concerns. Allow your child to try to solve his or her own problems, if … they do all of their chores on time, they will get their allowance. If they break another child's toy, they must find a …
Health topics
… planning tips Use the menu planner and grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. Make a list …
Health topics
… spasm? Normally, the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach) contracts to move food from the mouth … system in which the muscles of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) don't work right. Anxiety … spasm treated? Treatment for esophageal spasm includes treating other conditions that may make esophageal spasms …
Health topics
… Overview People with diabetes sometimes get very low blood sugar. If they are unconscious, they need glucagon … in managing a health condition. Diabetes in Children: Treating Low Blood Sugar Diabetes: Dealing With Low Blood … gets glucagon, they should talk to a doctor to try to find out what caused the low blood sugar. Some causes include too …
Health topics
… usually enjoy. They may have changes in their sleeping or eating patterns. They might also think about death or suicide. These symptoms occur nearly every day … have tests to help rule out physical problems, such as a low thyroid level or anemia. How is depression in children …
Health topics
… for it before you start chemotherapy. Talk to your doctor about your treatment plan. Find out if the cancer drug you'll … (Zofran). Antinausea drugs can be given as pills you swallow, through your vein ( IV ), or as shots. Some drugs are … press a plastic disc on the P6 point on each arm. Nutrition Eating well may seem to be an odd way to treat nausea and …
Health topics
… the heart work harder, such as climbing stairs, having sex, eating a large meal, having emotional stress, or being … health and reduce your risk for further heart problems. Lower high blood pressure You will receive tips on lowering … in a cardiac rehab program can help you feel better about yourself in your everyday life. Seeking help for …
Health topics
… Your vision gradually gets worse. But it gets worse so slowly that you may not notice it. Closed-angle glaucoma … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and do a physical examination. If your … with this condition have narrower drainage angles . This allows the angles to become blocked more easily. Have a family …
Health topics
… one of the many initiatives under Health Canada’s healthy eating strategy. It is a dynamic, online, evidence-based … for all healthy Canadians 2 years of age and older. The following question and answer guide was developed by the … following a vegetarian or vegan diet, although these diets may also align with Health Canada's guidance. Health …