3910 results found
Health topics
… It's like amphetamine, which doctors use to treat sleep problems (narcolepsy), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) , and severe overweight problems. The illegal form of methamphetamine is a white, … activity Wide pupils and increased pulse rate Dental problems Personality changes Alcohol and …
Health topics
… look brown, grey, or even black. This is normal. Usually no problems will develop as long as you keep the area clean and … . Also call your baby's doctor if you notice any other problems with the umbilical cord area, such as: A moist, red … look brown, grey, or even black. This is normal. Usually no problems will develop as long as you keep the area clean and …
Health topics
… delays or irregular eruption patterns are caused by minor problems, such as another tooth in the path of an erupting … or dentist. Teething Toothache and Gum Problems Adaptation Date: 10/2/2023 Adapted By: … delays or irregular eruption patterns are caused by minor problems, such as another tooth in the path of an erupting …
Health topics
… dehydration. In some people, the infection causes serious problems with the blood and kidneys. These people may need … don't see a doctor and don't know that E. coli caused their problems. With some strains of E. coli , severe blood and kidney problems may occur within 2 weeks after the diarrhea starts. …
Health topics
… prostate unless the symptoms bother you or you have other problems such as bladder infections or bladder stones. About … enlarged prostate is usually harmless, but it often causes problems with urination. About half of all men older than 75 … You may need to use special bathroom techniques, such as learning to relax and double voiding. Taking medicine works …
Health topics
… What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard to read, write, and … be passed from parents to children. Some studies have found problems with how the brain links letters and words with the … And the symptoms are not caused by other things like vision problems or other conditions. If your child has one of these …
Health topics
… Most abdominal aortic aneurysms, or AAAs, never cause problems. But sometimes they burst, which is often deadly. … because it can also find aneurysms that will never cause problems. This may lead to dangerous surgery that isn't … aneurysm repaired. You avoid the worry that might come from learning that you have an aneurysm, even though it may never …
Health topics
… when you may start to see strong emotions and behaviour problems. This is called sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry … different viewpoints, and work with others to solve problems. That's where you come in. These ideas can help end … bring peace to your household. Encourage kids to work out problems on their own. Try to step in only if a child may …
Health topics
… Short-term incontinence is often caused by other health problems or treatments. This topic is about the different … happens. But sometimes it can be caused by other urinary problems. Overflow incontinence can be caused by something … muscles. In men, incontinence is often related to prostate problems or treatments. Drinking alcohol can make urinary …
Health topics
… or arteries of the legs) may increase the risk of foot problems. Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems, Non-Injury Current as of: November 9, 2022 … or arteries of the legs) may increase the risk of foot problems. Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems, …