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3910 results found
Health topics
… that you stop breathing (apnea) or that airflow to your lungs is reduced (hypopnea). This is called the … television or reading. These symptoms may cause only minor problems at work or while spending time with friends or … because they are still developing and they normally breathe at a faster rate than adults do. …
Health topics
… (extracted) before you're 20 years old, because it's easier to take them out when the roots and bones of your … younger, you tend to heal faster. You may never have any problems with your wisdom teeth, especially if you're … teeth that are healthy and come in properly don't cause problems. FAQs What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the …
Health topics
… skin helps keep it in place better, lets you move around easier, and makes it less visible. Implanted port. This type … it is inserted or where it lies under your skin. Collapsed lung (pneumothorax). The risk of a collapsed lung varies with the skill of the person inserting the CVAD …
Health topics
… (EKG or ECG) may be performed. People with major medical problems, such as diabetes or heart, lung, or kidney problems must be carefully assessed and … conditions, a below-the-knee amputation provides for easier transfers and movement while in bed. Walking on an …
Health topics
… years, improved techniques have made liposuction safer, easier, and less painful. Liposuction is usually done as an … of the male breasts (gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia). Problems with metabolism of fat in the body (lipodystrophy). … unlikely. Fat clots or blood clots, which may travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) and become life-threatening. …
Health topics
… The ventilator pumps oxygen through the tube into your lungs. Being placed on a ventilator is referred to as "being … heart started again. When your breathing stops, someone breathes into your mouth or pushes air into your lungs. When … If CPR does work, you'll still have your illness plus new problems that led to your needing CPR in the first place. …
Health topics
… When you stop breathing or have reduced airflow into your lungs during sleep, you don't sleep well and you can be very … down, and carbon dioxide levels go up. It may lead to other problems, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. … pressure in your throat. It keeps your airway open when you breathe in. It's the most common device. Bi-level positive …
Health topics
… the sudden blockage of a major blood vessel (artery) in the lung, usually by a blood clot . In most cases, the clots are … That's because the symptoms are like those of other problems, like a heart attack . A doctor will do a physical … Sudden, sharp chest pain that may get worse when you breathe deeply or cough. A cough. The cough may bring up …
Health topics
… or what the fad is. If you enjoy your activity, it will be easier to do and you will be more likely to stay with it. … other on schedule. Exercising when you have other health problems People who are overweight or obese often have other health problems and may be afraid or find it difficult to exercise. …
Health topics
… may feel better or worse at different times of the year. Learning what triggers your allergy symptoms will help you … important part of your health and can help you avoid other problems. How can you control allergens in your home? Work … doesn't cause allergies, but it can irritate the nose and lungs. This may make it more likely that you will have …