338 results found
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… taking birth control pills that contain estrogen, or having hormone therapy can also cause it. So can some health … occurs with menopause as a result of the decrease in the hormone estrogen. Surgery to remove the ovaries can have the … taking birth control pills that contain estrogen, or having hormone therapy can also cause it. So can some health …
Health topics
… some implants, pills, and IUDs). Learn more Birth Control Hormones: The Implant Birth Control Hormones: The Mini-Pill Intrauterine Device (IUD) for Birth … belly incision ( laparotomy ). Learn more Birth Control Hormones: The Pill Cystectomy Laparoscopy Non-steroidal …
Health topics
… Infantile spasms are treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or steroids like prednisone. Vigabatrin, an … Infantile spasms are treated with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or steroids like prednisone. Vigabatrin, an …
Health topics
Health topics
… bugbane, is a medicinal root. It is used to treat women's hormone-related symptoms, including premenstrual syndrome … bugbane, is a medicinal root. It is used to treat women's hormone-related symptoms, including premenstrual syndrome …
Health topics
… have a large amount of a watery discharge caused by high hormone levels during the teen years or by taking birth … have a large amount of a watery discharge caused by high hormone levels during the teen years or by taking birth …
Health topics
… A few examples are: Antibiotics. Birth control pills. Hormone therapy. Chemotherapy for cancer. Vaginal sprays, … A few examples are: Antibiotics. Birth control pills. Hormone therapy. Chemotherapy for cancer. Vaginal sprays, …
Health topics
Health topics
… do a physical examination, and order tests, such as a hormone test and chromosome analysis. In adult men, other … with Klinefelter syndrome can be given testosterone, a hormone needed for sexual development. If treatment is … do a physical examination, and order tests, such as a hormone test and chromosome analysis. In adult men, other …