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338 results found
Health topics
… help her eat well. Encourage her to take breaks and naps. Hormones during pregnancy can change a woman's energy level … help her eat well. Encourage her to take breaks and naps. Hormones during pregnancy can change a woman's energy level …
Health topics
… a postpartum depression? Yes. If you're depressed, hormones produced during breastfeeding will help you feel …
Health topics
… such as anticoagulants, cholesterol-lowering drugs, or hormones. Damage to your hair from pulling it back too … as stress, illness, poor nutrition, certain medicines, or hormone changes. Trichotillomania . This is a condition in … such as anticoagulants, cholesterol-lowering drugs, or hormones. Damage to your hair from pulling it back too …
Health topics
… the menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus produces a hormone called prostaglandin . This hormone causes the uterus to contract, often with pain. If … the menstrual cycle, the lining of the uterus produces a hormone called prostaglandin . This hormone causes the …
Health topics
… typically needs less energy, and your metabolism slows. Hormone changes in the aging body cause a shift to more body … you. Sexual function. Men and women produce lower levels of hormones starting in their 50s. Men produce less sperm, and … They're the result of decreased estrogen levels. Taking hormone therapy can reduce these changes. It may take longer …
Health topics
… anti-inflammatory drugs, or beta-blockers. Changes in hormones, such as during the start of a woman's menstrual … anti-inflammatory drugs, or beta-blockers. Changes in hormones, such as during the start of a woman's menstrual …
Health topics
… pills, or an intrauterine device (IUD) that contains hormones, to help control heavy menstrual periods. If you … pills, or an intrauterine device (IUD) that contains hormones, to help control heavy menstrual periods. If you …
Health topics
… other treatments may work better than surgery. Radiation, hormone therapy, and other medicines are often used to help … other treatments may work better than surgery. Radiation, hormone therapy, and other medicines are often used to help …
Health topics
… Port-wine stains may become more obvious when the body's hormones are changing, such as during puberty or pregnancy. … Port-wine stains may become more obvious when the body's hormones are changing, such as during puberty or pregnancy. …