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Health topics
… symptoms are caused by the common cold. Checking up on your symptoms is important. What may seem harmless could … turn into something more serious. Knowing what is causing your ear, nose, or throat symptoms can help you find the … the right treatment, or learn what you can do to care for yourself at home. Find out more about your ear, nose, and …
Health topics
… to Expect Treatment Overview Sometimes your digestive system isn't able to process foods. Total … You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a problem that makes it hard … or pancreatitis. Have had some medical treatments. TPN lets your intestines rest during healing. You can have TPN for …
Health topics
… you overuse quick-relief beta2-agonists, you may feel that your asthma is under control. But, in fact, inflammation in your airways is becoming worse. This can put you in danger … ). Overuse: May delay medical care. May increase your chances of having a severe asthma attack. A severe …
Health topics
… dressed is often difficult for people after a stroke. Your stroke rehab team can suggest things that can help you. … waistbands and shoelaces. Snaps and grippers. Lay out your clothes in the order that you will put them on. Place … on first on top of the pile. Sit down while you dress. Put your affected arm or leg into the piece of clothing first …
Health topics
… ________ Date and time of day: ________ Symptoms What were your symptoms? How long did the heartburn last? Do you have … or stomach pain? Does pain radiate to another part of your body? Impact of symptoms Were you unable to sleep? Were you unable to go to work? Were you unable to perform your normal activities? Possible triggers of symptoms Are …
Health topics
… an injury by following these safety tips. Don't allow your child to play near the garage or driveway or around cars. Make a habit of checking under and behind your car before you drive. Closely supervise children while … than age 10 play near or cross the street alone. Show your child what behaviour you expect. Teach your child to …
Health topics
… you work in an office building or on a construction site, your workplace can have an effect on your mental and … Ergonomics Pregnancy: Work and School Issues Quick Tips: Making the Best of Shift Work Quick Tips: Modifying Your … Ergonomics Pregnancy: Work and School Issues Quick Tips: Making the Best of Shift Work Quick Tips: Modifying Your …
Health topics
… (thrombosed, or clotted, hemorrhoid), a doctor may relieve your pain by removing the contents of the clot. The doctor … of warm water for 10 to 15 minutes) and to gently cleanse your anal area with a cleansing agent such as Balneol. Your doctor may give you a cream that contains a local …
Health topics
… will be able to provide the names of lawyers in your area who deal with these issues. For certain types of legal advice, contact your provincial Legal Aid service or your provincial Alzheimer Society for more information. As …
Health topics
… begins. You may or may not notice a change in the shape of your abdomen after dropping. You may notice that your breathing becomes easier and heartburn occurs less … after dropping occurs. But the increased pressure on your bladder after dropping occurs may make you have the …