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Health topics
… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can … that don't fit well can also cause an ingrown toenail. If your shoes are too tight, they might press the nail into the … into the skin. You can get an ingrown toenail if you hurt your toe, such as stubbing it. This can cause the nail to …
Health topics
… staying awake or alert when you are supposed to work your shift. You may not be able to sleep during the day, and … night. But many people are able to work the night shift by making a few changes. Here are a few examples. Have a … night. But many people are able to work the night shift by making a few changes. Here are a few examples. Have a …
Health topics
… Alcohol has both immediate and long-term effects on your body, including an increased risk of injuries and chronic diseases. The less you drink, the lower your risk. Different factors put some people more at risk … activity Being responsible for the safety of others Making important decisions How alcohol affects the body The …
Health topics
… hard to accept. You may wonder why it happened or blame yourself. But a stillbirth can happen even in a pregnancy … a lot and feel angry and hopeless. You may want to blame yourself or someone else. It might be hard to eat or sleep. You and your partner may not grieve in the same way. Each of you …
Health topics
… scoot forward until you are on the edge of the seat. Bring your feet in toward the chair. Then stand up. Use the arms of the chair to push yourself up while keeping your back straight. If your seat does not have arms, …
Health topics
… serious eye damage. Fill a sink or dishpan with water. Put your face in the water, then open and close your eyelids to force water to all parts of your eye. You can also flush your eye gently under a running …
Health topics
… Overview To help control acne, wash your skin once or twice a day. If you have mild acne, you … If this treatment hasn't helped after 3 months, see your doctor. You may need different medicines or … from getting worse by using these tips. Wash gently. Wash your face once or twice a day with warm water and a mild …