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Health topics
… important to know the symptoms of trouble breathing. Follow your asthma action plan to know what to do. When you have trouble breathing, your symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe. Symptoms of … Tiring quickly when you talk or eat. You may have to catch your breath while eating. Using your belly muscles to help …
Health topics
… real and what isn't real. You talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, … . You need special tests. You need to change or adjust your medicines. You have problems with drugs or alcohol. You … . Doctors will try to find the best way to get you back to your family and community as soon as possible. For the …
Health topics
… Program On this page: Overview Overview Your cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) might include an … of your cardiac rehab. The goals of a home program include: Making a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking … of your cardiac rehab. The goals of a home program include: Making a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking …
Health topics
… Active as a Family On this page: Overview Overview Keeping your family healthy and moving can be a struggle. But … helps people feel better. Here are some tips to help get your family away from screens and moving together. Make it fun. Start with something your kids already like. That can be anything from biking to …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your doctor might ask you to use an ambulatory blood pressure monitor after measuring your blood pressure in the doctor's office, to make sure … have high blood pressure . footnote 1 This is because your blood pressure can change during the day. And sometimes …
Health topics
… cigarettes to give up. For example, stop smoking in your car on the way to work, or stop having cigarettes with your morning coffee. Slowly increase the time between … cigarettes. Smoke only during odd or even hours. Limit your smoking to certain places. For example, you may decide …
Health topics
… energy, called chi (say "chee"), flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists … that illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances your chi. Acupuncture is a way to unblock or influence chi … Acupuncture is done by putting very thin needles into your skin at certain points on your body. This is done to …
Health topics
… buildup of fluid in the abdomen. The extra fluid can cause your belly to swell and make it hard to breathe. Ascites can … can help both prevent and treat problems with ascites. Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic for you to take over the long term. Low-salt diet You may need to reduce your sodium intake by eating less salt. You'll feel better …
Health topics
… and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis include: Your age. Bones naturally become thinner as you get older. … as hyperparathyroidism or an eating disorder, can increase your risk for osteoporosis. Having certain surgeries, such …
Health topics
… To Expect Recovery from a maze procedure depends on how your surgery was done. Recovery will likely be longer for an … procedure. You may stay in the hospital for a few days. Most people spend the first 1 or 2 days in an intensive care … procedure. You may stay in the hospital for a few days. Most people spend the first 1 or 2 days in an intensive care …