3991 results found
Health topics
… some ideas that can help you get active. First, check with your doctor. Talk with your doctor about how and when to exercise. You may need to … if you choose something you like and that fits easily into your daily schedule. Any type of physical activity may be …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your baby is teething, you may have questions that many … that babies are putting "everything" into their mouths. (Your baby is going through the oral discovery phase of … from teething. Teething may cause a mild increase in your child's temperature but it does not cause fevers. Look …
Health topics
… against the lung causes the lung to collapse. This prevents your lung from expanding the right way when you try to … pain. A pneumothorax may become deadly if the pressure in your chest prevents the lungs from getting enough oxygen … diagnosed through a physical examination and a chest X-ray. Your doctor may also do blood tests to measure the level of …
Health topics
… Age 3 Months On this page: Overview Overview You can watch your baby's behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your baby might have hearing loss. Does your baby: Listen to speech? Turn to you when you speak? …
Health topics
… after you have completed the physical activity. This helps your heart and body return to their normal state. Cooling down prevents blood from collecting (pooling) in your arms and legs and prevents cramping, increased blood pressure, dizziness, or feeling sick to your stomach. A good cool-down is walking slowly for at …
Health topics
… Keep and improve muscle strength and endurance. Control your weight and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Improve your balance, coordination, flexibility, and range of …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When your child is not feeling well, he or she may not want anything to drink. This may happen if your child has a fever or diarrhea or is vomiting. It is important that your child drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration. Not …
Health topics
… Muscular strength and endurance are two important parts of your body’s ability to move, lift things and do day-to-day … and endurance are important for many reasons: Increase your ability to do activities like opening doors, lifting … and bones. Improve confidence and how you feel about yourself. Give you a sense of accomplishment. Allow you to …
Health topics
… 2 to 4 Years On this page: Overview Overview You can watch your child's behaviour to check for hearing loss. If you notice a change, your child might have hearing loss. Also, pay attention to the quality of your child's speech. Children must be able to hear well for …
Health topics
… mothers, breastfeeding may not be possible (especially if your baby is preterm). Here is a video on Cup Feeding and … Methods to help. Supplements are not recommended for your newborn. Read our article on Formula Feeding to learn … Choosing baby bottles and nipples Formula feeding your baby - safely preparing and storing formula VIDEO: …