3991 results found
Health topics
… background in nursing gives them a unique perspective on your health. The nursing lens focuses on health promotion, … can: Act as the primary care provider for you and your family, similar to a family physician Help you manage and improve your physical and mental health Conduct medical and physical …
Health topics
… you go to bed if cramps wake you at night. Avoid pointing your toes while you stretch. Try not to sleep with your toes pointed. Keep your legs warm while sleeping. Warm up well and stretch …
Health topics
… Overview Normal changes occur in your feet as you age. Feet tend to spread, possibly causing shoe size to change. Have your feet measured each time you buy shoes. Do not assume that your shoe size has not changed. The bottoms of the feet lose …
Health topics
… equipment with you if you do outdoor sports or activities. Your equipment may include: 2 or 3 fire-starting kits and a … Large plastic leaf bags, to wrap around you and over your backpack for quick rain and wind protection. … to sit or sleep on. A headlamp, to allow you to use both of your hands. Remember extra bulbs and batteries. A map and …
Health topics
… such as cocaine or amphetamines, also can cause changes in your heart rate or rhythm. If changes in your heart rate or rhythm occur following the start of a new … If you feel you need to continue taking the medicine, call your doctor to discuss it. Current as of: September …
Health topics
… minutes to an hour. Severe pain does not always mean that your injury is severe. After an injury to the genital area, … cause problems with the urinary tract include: A blow to your back. A penetrating injury (trauma) or a pelvic … Placing an object in the urethra . You may feel uneasy if your health professional brings up the issue of sexual …
Health topics
… overuse of prescription and non-prescription medicines. Almost every drug is capable of producing nervous system problems. Be sure to review a complete list of all your medicines, both prescription and non-prescription, with … overuse of prescription and non-prescription medicines. Almost every drug is capable of producing nervous system …
Health topics
… to have higher fevers than adults. Often you must look at your or your child's other symptoms to find out how serious the illness is. What's next? When you tell your doctor about a temperature measurement, be sure to say …
Health topics
… Kidneys Last updated March 29, 2024 Your kidneys remove waste, produce hormones and balance the fluids and chemicals in your body. There are various problems which can affect your kidneys, such as chronic disease or infection. Learn …
Health topics
… active. PAR-Q+ The PAR-Q+ is a self-administered (do it yourself) questionnaire. It is designed to assess your readiness to participate in more physical activity or … can complete the online screening program (ePARmed-X+) by yourself or with the assistance of a qualified exercise …