3989 results found
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… a Croup Attack Actionset Overview Using techniques to help your child control symptoms of croup can help prevent the … clinic or emergency room. These techniques focus on keeping your child's airway open to make breathing easier. Keep calm and soothe your child. Anxiety and panic can make symptoms worse. …
Health topics
… start to feel real benefits over time. Within a few hours, your blood pressure will go down and you'll have more … Smoking: Preventing Slips or Relapses Why Do You Smoke? Most people don't think about when or why they smoke. They … of carbon monoxide in your blood drops back to normal, making room for more oxygen. Within weeks You may find …
Health topics
… loss. Mild fever. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose RA, your doctor looks at a combination of your symptoms and test … signs of tenderness or swelling. How is RA treated? RA is most often treated with medicine. Some medicines help to … Therapy Physiotherapy Self-Care Living with RA often means making changes to your lifestyle. You can do things at home, …
Health topics
… in the back, buttocks, legs, and feet. What causes it? The most common cause of lumbar spinal stenosis is changes in … can narrow the spinal canal. What are the symptoms? The most common symptom of lumbar spinal stenosis is leg pain … lumbar spinal stenosis by asking about the history of your symptoms, doing a physical examination, and using …
Health topics
… Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Treatment Overview Helping Your Child What is … may include difficulty reading or sounding out words. Your child may read slower than what is expected at your child's age. And they may also have a hard time …
Health topics
… without treatment, and then return. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize psoriasis by looking at your … tests usually aren't needed. How is psoriasis treated? Most cases of psoriasis are mild. Treatment starts with skin … help rule out other forms of arthritis. Treatment Overview Most cases of psoriasis are mild and can be treated with: …
Health topics
… You can play an important role in this process by helping your kids learn to make good choices when they're being … your child handle peer pressure Whether your child is the most popular kid in class or is someone who has few friends, … in your kids' lives. Even though they may not act like it, most children this age still listen to their parents. Keep …
Health topics
… air or collapse, fill with fluid, and produce extra mucus . Most babies who have chronic lung disease survive. But … into early childhood. In time, many children outgrow most of their lung problems. Chronic lung disease is also … birth. The most common first symptom is trouble breathing. Your newborn may: Grunt or breathe fast. Flare the nostrils. …
Health topics
… when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to your family doctor or nurse practitioner, a health provider in your community or or HealthLink BC physician services. 8-1-1 … will then call you back directly at the time of your appointment. Helpful tips to optimize your telephone consult …
Health topics
… updated January 30, 2018 By the age of 30 to 36 months, your toddler's language skills have grown by leaps and bounds Your child probably peppers you with questions and loves to … Uses social words: "please" "thank you" "hello" Names most body parts Between 30 and 36 months your toddler may …