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1687 results found
Health topics
… It is often diagnosed when a child is between 6 and 12 years old. Parents and teachers may first notice symptoms in … problems can help you feel better. It can also give you ideas about how to best cope with the condition. Get rid of …
Health topics
… a short period of time. It works best when your child is old enough to understand. This usually begins around 3 years of age. Time-out is not a punishment. It is an … the time-out period. The rule of thumb is 1 minute for each year of age, with a maximum of 5 minutes for time-out. At …
Health topics
… use the following equation: HRmax = 208 – (0.7 x your age (years)) This formula has proven to be accurate regardless of … HRmax Example target heart rate For example, if you’re a 60 year old woman, your target heart rate should be between 75 and …
Health topics
… smoking ever since I was a teenager. That's 40-something years ago. I never really thought about what could happen to this old body if I kept lighting up. I just knew that I loved to … And I feel hopeful that quitting will give me a few more years on my feet. "My son has also been a huge help. He quit …
Health topics
… "I'm a believer!" That's the proclamation from Izzy, a 60-year-old clerk from Calgary. She's talking about a way of eating … problems until after I'd been quite overweight for about 10 years," Izzy says. But when her blood pressure tests were a …
Health topics
… Menstrual periods often aren't regular during the first few years after your period starts. It may take several years for the hormones that control menstruation to reach a … or irregular periods No Missed or irregular periods How old are you? Less than 15 years Less than 15 years 15 to 25 …
Health topics
… a type of epilepsy that usually starts before a child is 1 year old. The spasms affect a child's head, torso, and limbs. The … a type of epilepsy that usually starts before a child is 1 year old. The spasms affect a child's head, torso, and …
Health topics
… daily routine. Take a different route to work, or eat a meal in a different place. Every day, do something that you … can make you feel stressed, upset, or cranky. Here are some ideas: Tell yourself that these emotions are uncomfortable, … daily routine. Take a different route to work, or eat a meal in a different place. Every day, do something that you …
Health topics
… staying focused on it—can be a big help. Here are some ideas for making a plan. Think about what the change will … for week 1: I will stop smoking while I drive and after meals. Step for week 2: I will cut back from 20 cigarettes a … for week 1: I will stop smoking while I drive and after meals. Step for week 2: I will cut back from 20 cigarettes a …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Health Tools Adult or Child Older Than 1 Year Person Faints Choking While Alone Baby (Younger Than 1 Year) Overview A person who is choking …