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Health topics
… that may be used to hold the edges of a small cut together. Your doctor may apply a skin adhesive instead of stitching your cut. A liquid will be applied to your skin and allowed to dry. As it dries, it creates a film …
Health topics
… and plan for, which can be overwhelming. You may notice your moods changing often. And when you're pregnant, your body goes through lots of hormone changes, which can affect your emotions and how you feel. It's important to take care …
Health topics
… Recovering from a heart problem means not only getting back your physical strength but also getting back your emotional and mental well-being. Having a positive outlook during your recovery and rehabilitation may help you recover …
Health topics
… a need to suck. But it’s best not to use one every time your child seems upset.  Before you offer a soother, try to find out if your toddler wants something or is hungry, bored or tired. A … Soother use can contribute to ear infections. If your toddler experiences frequent ear infections, limit the …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Counting your baby's movements is one way your doctor can tell that your baby is healthy. Most women—especially in a first …
Health topics
… need a friend to exchange massages. Use these steps to give your friend a shoulder and neck massage. Have your friend sit straight but comfortably in a chair. Place your hands on your friend's shoulders. Knead the two muscles …
Health topics
… results in the birth of a healthy baby. Many things affect your chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy, with or without treatment. Major ones include: Your age and how long you've been trying to conceive. Your age (and the age of your egg supply) has a big impact …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer questions about your symptoms. Since some symptoms are difficult to …
Health topics
… Information Overview Try the following home treatment if your hands get cold easily and become pale, cool, and painful: Wave your arms in a circular motion to force blood out into your hands. Blow warm air onto cold hands. Tuck your hands …
Health topics
… Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Actionset Overview If your child doesn't want to feel the insulin needle, your child's doctor can prescribe an indwelling subcutaneous … is used to insert a soft tube into a place where you give your child an insulin shot, such as the belly. The needle is …