3978 results found
Health topics
… See if any of these ideas are helpful. Check to see if your pain is under control. Pain that isn't managed can make … of treatment or just after treatment is finished. Manage your energy. Notice what time of day you have the most … things that are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities for times when you have …
Health topics
… Overview The program you choose for your teen needs to view substance use as a primary disease and not as a symptom. Your teen needs to have a complete evaluation to determine … mental health or medical conditions. If you need to place your teen in a treatment program, look for one that has the …
Health topics
… urges even when you have only a little bit of urine in your bladder. You may not be able to hold your urine until you get to the toilet. This can lead to … need to drop everything and race to the toilet can disrupt your life. And if you leak, even if it's only a little bit, …
Health topics
… Most hip fractures are caused by falls. As you get older, your bones naturally lose some strength and are more likely … or car crash or a sports injury. What are the symptoms? If your hip is broken, you will most likely: Have severe pain in your hip or lower groin area. Not be able to walk or put any …
Health topics
… you take one time. After you swallow it, it is taken up by your thyroid gland . Depending on the dosage used, the … in the iodine destroys most or all of the tissue in your thyroid gland, but it does not harm any other parts of your body. While radiation can cause thyroid cancer , …
Health topics
… symptoms of angina. How to use quick-acting nitroglycerin Your doctor will tell you when to use your nitroglycerin. You may need to take it to relieve … one dose of nitroglycerin as soon as you feel symptoms. If your symptoms get worse or are not getting better within 5 …
Health topics
… prevent tetanus? You can prevent tetanus by getting all of your recommended immunizations (shots). There are three … need to get 3 tetanus shots in about a 1-year time span. (Your doctor will tell you which shots you will need.) After … cut, wound, or burn and 5 or more years have passed since your last tetanus shot. The doctor will clean the wound and …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or …
Health topics
… flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for two major reasons. It involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires stopping your heart and …
Health topics
… liquid. The following recommendations can help you protect your child from drowning hazards. Don't leave babies and … protect against drowning. They aren't a substitute for your attention. Don't leave babies and young children alone … buckets, such as 5-gallon buckets used for cleaning. Empty your buckets after each use, and keep them out of children's …