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3978 results found
Health topics
… start shortly after being sent home. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health. They will do a physical examination and listen to your lungs. If your doctor thinks that you have this …
Health topics
… the bony bumps you can feel on the inside and outside of your elbow. Tendinopathy or epicondylopathy is a term used … collectively. These terms aren't yet universally used. Your doctor may still use the term tendinitis or … pain during work, play, or daily activities: Strengthen your wrist, arm, shoulder, and back muscles to help protect …
Health topics
… sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous insufficiency by examining your legs and by using a type of ultrasound test (duplex Doppler) to find out how well blood is flowing in your legs. How is venous insufficiency treated? Your doctor …
Health topics
… Swallowed air. Stomach cancer. How can you care for yourself when you have dyspepsia? You can make changes to your lifestyle to help relieve your symptoms of dyspepsia. Here are some things to try: …
Health topics
… sick makes you feel sad, lonely, uncomfortable, or scared. Your quality of life can suffer, not just in your body, but also in your mind and spirit. Hospice palliative (say …
Health topics
… learning how to communicate, make eye contact and recognize your voice. Your baby’s physical development can be rapid. Providing your baby with loving attention and introducing them to new …
Health topics
… can be quite serious. So it's a good idea to learn about your risks and how to protect yourself and other people. People who are most in need of … animal has touched, such as bedding, a kennel, a stall, or your own clothing. Touch feces or urine from an animal. Are …
Health topics
… syphilis, and gonorrhea. If you have hepatitis C, your baby will need to be tested but not during the … It's safe to breastfeed while you have hepatitis C unless your nipples are cracked or bleeding. How can you care for yourself at home? Go to all your prenatal visits. Your
Health topics
… tell you the benefits and risks of the test, and answer your questions. But you make the decision about whether to … tested first to identify the changed gene that might run in your family. Then you give a blood sample, which is screened … Testing another family member also may be important in case your family's DNA is unusual in some way that might affect …
Health topics
… and dementia . Normally, the "feel" and "express" parts of your brain work together. But with PBA, the expressive part of your brain can trigger behaviour on its own. Laughing or … usual relief after crying or laughing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose PBA based on your symptoms and …