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3933 results found
Health topics
… reaction, a larger local reaction, or one that caused swelling and redness to much of your body but did not … if you have an autoimmune disease or take certain kinds of medicines (such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors). Allergy … So it may help to bring a book or something to distract you while you wait. Rush immunotherapy is usually done by a …
Health topics
… before the peel. How a peel is done You may be given pain medicine before having the treatment. Your skin will be … before being removed. (You may feel a little stinging while the chemical is on your skin.) Water or a cool compress will be used to end the chemical reaction. Ointment and a dressing …
Health topics
… to many health problems. Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? Actionsets are designed to … if your weight is raising your risk for health problems. It uses a formula to compare how much you weigh with how tall … Fat distribution. Men tend to store fat in the belly, while women store more in the hips and thighs. As women age, …
Health topics
… from a strict regimen of meals, sleep, and exercise, because you can program it to match your changing schedule. … to stay in the hospital, or spend a whole day at a clinic, while you learn how to use your pump. Setting your basal … Primary Medical Reviewer E. Gregory Thompson MD - Internal Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer Anne C. Poinier MD - …
Health topics
… Smoking just sped it up," says Alan, 73. "It happened while I was playing basketball with some guys from work. I … credits Cloris with giving him the help he needs to stay focused on taking care of his heart. But he also relies on a … know. "We ask them about what they're going through, what medicines they're taking. And we share information about how …
Health topics
… not they have a high risk for infection. Some STIs don't cause symptoms, or they can cause symptoms that go away. So … age 25. Have a current STI or a history of STIs. Have sex while using alcohol or drugs. Trade sex for drugs or money. … Staff Primary Medical Reviewer Sarah Marshall MD - Family Medicine Primary Medical Reviewer Brian D. O'Brien MD - …
Health topics
… which may make you not want to exercise. But you can use heat and cold therapy or take pain medicines to help relieve pain and make it easier for you to … knee arthritis, because water takes weight off the joints while also providing some resistance. Bike outdoors or …
Health topics
… surgery. Try using rest, ice and heat, anti-inflammatory medicines, and physiotherapy. If you have symptoms that … the tendons. That's even more true if the tendons are overused or if you do repeated overhead arm movements. This … Jennifer, age 47 I've had shoulder pain for quite a while now, but it got worse a few weeks ago. After resting …
Health topics
… about how often their child has bowel movements. That's because they've been taught that a healthy child has a bowel … routine, such as when travelling or after starting school. Medicines. Many medicines can cause constipation. … of the painful passing of a hard, dry stool. After a while, the child may not be able to resist the urge to have …
Health topics
… birth control. It is a small, plastic, T-shaped device that uses copper or hormones to prevent pregnancy. The doctor … to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. The IUD can also be placed right after … places two gloved, lubricated fingers into your vagina while gently pressing on your belly with the other hand. …