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Health topics
… Bladder Cancer On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk What Happens When to Call a … be removed. Other treatments include: Chemotherapy. These medicines kill fast-growing cells. These include cancer … wishes can make it easier for your loved ones. Making plans while you are still able may also ease your mind and make …
Health topics
… the thigh bone is replaced. Then an artificial surface is used to line the back of the kneecap. Your doctor may use … means you can't feel the area of the surgery. You'll have medicine that makes you unaware and lightly asleep. Or your … The kneecap could fracture either because of a fall or while you are using the knee normally. This complication is …
Health topics
… recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck … removed Your doctor will either numb your mouth or give you medicine that lets you sleep during the procedure. An oral … the teeth should be removed, and I'm having it done now, while I am young. Zach, age 17 My wisdom teeth came in when …
Health topics
… body that was damaged by trauma. It can also be done because of a condition that someone was born with or developed while growing up. Common reconstructive surgeries include: … fees, anesthesia fees, and operating facility fees), any medicine before or after the procedure, follow-up …
Health topics
… but still have severe symptoms. Other women decide to use hormone therapy before having surgery. Key points to … relieve your symptoms. How will endometriosis affect you? While some women never have symptoms, others have severe … don't want to take estrogen, you can take another type of medicine to make your bones stronger. Risks from taking …
Health topics
… carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes kidney cancer. But … It may be given in several ways. Targeted therapy. These medicines attack only cancer cells, not normal cells. They … wishes can make it easier for your loved ones. Making plans while you are still able may also ease your mind and make …
Health topics
… to remember An MRI is not a standard test for finding the cause of low back pain. A physical examination that includes … in that small space. If this worries you, you may be given medicine (a sedative) to help you relax. Some MRI machines, … . Lying very still. You must lie very still for quite a while so that the machine can get clear pictures. For people …
Health topics
… Varicose Veins On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What … standing or sitting. Avoid crossing your legs at the knee while sitting. Do not smoke. Learn more Compression … talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can increase your chances of quitting for …
Health topics
… spread, the chances that it will return are lower. What causes it? Doctors don't know the exact cause of metastatic or … who specializes in ostomy care. Chemotherapy and other medicines Chemotherapy is the main treatment if surgery is … wishes can make it easier for your loved ones. Making plans while you are still able may also ease your mind and make …
Health topics
… lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. What causes it? Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called … Radiation is often used with surgery. Chemotherapy. These medicines kill fast-growing cells, including cancer cells … wishes can make it easier for your loved ones. Making plans while you are still able may also ease your mind and make …